Define roots. roots synonyms, roots pronunciation, roots translation, English dictionary definition of roots. n. 1. a. The usually underground portion of a plant that lacks buds, leaves, or nodes and serves as support, draws minerals and water from the s
Define rooters. rooters synonyms, rooters pronunciation, rooters translation, English dictionary definition of rooters. n. 1. a. The usually underground portion of a plant that lacks buds, leaves, or nodes and serves as support, draws minerals and water
"baseUrl": "types", "typeRoots": ["types"],Create types/foo/index.d.ts containing declarations for the module "foo". You should now be able to import from "foo" in your code and it will route to the new type definition. Then build and run the code to make sure your type ...
1a : to remove from the usual or proper place specifically : toexpel or force to flee from home or homeland displacedpersons. b : to remove from an office, status, or job. c obsolete : to drive out : banish. 2a : to move physically out of position a floating object displaces water....
roots, grass for example, scarcely thicken, but tree roots can become 4 in. (10 cm) or more in diameter near the stem. Roots may be very long. The longest maple (Acer) roots are usually as long as the tree is tall, but the majority of roots are only a few inches long. The ...
& Wu, P. Definition and stabilisation of the quiescent centre in rice roots. Plant Biol. 16, 1014–1019 (2014). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Giri, J. et al. Rice auxin influx carrier OsAUX1 facilitates root hair elongation in response to low external phosphate. Nat. Commun. 9, ...
Rooters DefinitionnounPlural form of rooter. from the English-language WiktionaryFind More Words! Wildcard(?) letters appear in REDHere are some other words you could make with the letters ROOTERS, you can alsouse this lookup tool to help you find words with our scrabble word finder.Top ...
Monocot Definition, Characteristics & Examples from Chapter 28 / Lesson 12 130K Learn about monocots and the monocot definition. Discover the characteristics of monocots, examples of monocots, and whether grass and orchids are monocots. Related...
Variable definition and data description According to the requirements of the methods and models discussed previously, this article uses per capita carbon emissions as the explained variable, per capita GDP as the explanatory variable, and 12 variables covering institutional risks, digital technology, res...
Define rootsiness. rootsiness synonyms, rootsiness pronunciation, rootsiness translation, English dictionary definition of rootsiness. n the quality of being rootsy Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperColli