Providing a precise definition of "religion" – or an analysis in terms of sufficient and necessary conditions of the concept of religion – has proven to be a difficult task, more so in light of the diverse types of practices considered religious by scholars. Here, I discuss Kevin Schilb...
Define religiousism. religiousism synonyms, religiousism pronunciation, religiousism translation, English dictionary definition of religiousism. Noun 1. religiousism - exaggerated or affected piety and religious zeal religiosity, pietism, religionism dev
Define The Inquisition. The Inquisition synonyms, The Inquisition pronunciation, The Inquisition translation, English dictionary definition of The Inquisition. n. 1. The act of inquiring into a matter; an investigation. See Synonyms at inquiry. 2. Law An
The meaning of THE INCARNATION is the belief in Jesus Christ as both God and a human being. How to use the Incarnation in a sentence.
is one of the great religions of the world.African tribal religionsa lecture on the role of religion in societyfaith[countable, uncountable]a religion, especially one of the largeimportantworldreligions. Also used when talking aboutreligiousbelief in generalThe school welcomes children of all faiths...
•Butler, Newman and Blougram might be consideredagnosticsaccordingto Ayer'sdefinition, or they might be considered theists.•And he was right, of course, it was all myfault, I was a long-hairedhippieagnostic.•Amelia was aninquiringagnosticand aninsatiablesearcher forknowledge.•To have...
Define reincarnate. reincarnate synonyms, reincarnate pronunciation, reincarnate translation, English dictionary definition of reincarnate. v. re·in·car·nat·ed , re·in·car·nat·ing , re·in·car·nates v. tr. 1. To cause to be reborn in another bo
Genre is a way of categorizing readers' tastes. That's a good basic definition of genre. But does genre really matter? Why Literary Genres Matter Literary genres matter. They matter to readers but they also matter to writers. Here's why: ...
Define religionists. religionists synonyms, religionists pronunciation, religionists translation, English dictionary definition of religionists. n. Excessive or affected religious zeal. re·li′gion·ist n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English
Define diversity. diversity synonyms, diversity pronunciation, diversity translation, English dictionary definition of diversity. n. pl. di·ver·si·ties 1. a. The quality or condition of being diverse: a band known for the diversity of its music. b. Th