Define RARES. RARES synonyms, RARES pronunciation, RARES translation, English dictionary definition of RARES. abbreviation for Royal Australian Regiment Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publisher
Define rare. rare synonyms, rare pronunciation, rare translation, English dictionary definition of rare. adj. rar·er , rar·est 1. Infrequently occurring; uncommon: a rare event; a plant that is rare in this region. 2. Excellent; extraordinary: a rare s
Its not all about where you come from, its about where you are going to. What your parents are does not determine your failure or success in life. Ordinary Ahmad Isah is a rare gift not just to Nigeria, but the world. If he can make this much of a difference with nothing, you too...
embattled 2 of an army, fortified against attack (this is the dictionary definition, but in The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien's usage seems to mean simply 'in battle') embrasure bevelled opening in a wall, especially for a door or window encompass surround ere before errantry journeying in se...
Looking for online definition of Rareshare or what Rareshare stands for? Rareshare is listed in the World's most authoritative dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms
recursionism recursive decompositi recursive definition recursive doubling recursive member recursive realizabili recursive spatial dec recursive transition recursively uses itse recurved at anthesis recuva - freeware rec recvdata recycled bags recycling has become recycling time recyclingsystem red venta direct...
so believe so by definition so by users so cheeseparing so cheuk man so come girls and bro so come on and come o so come on baby so come on in so come on pull so come out at last y so competitive so cozy lying on top so curried so cut the crap so deep and broad so deeply ...
So, while the string portion of this type annotation may look useful, it in fact offers no additional typechecking over simply using any. Depending on the intention, acceptable alternatives could be any, string or string | object. Definition owners TL;DR: do not modify .github/CODEOWNERS, ...
(ESID) and the Pan American Group for Immunodeficiency’s definition of CVID are the most cited description of the disease. Patients need two of the following criteria for assignment as “probable CVID”: greater than 2 years of age; immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin A (IgA) less ...
Define rarefaction. rarefaction synonyms, rarefaction pronunciation, rarefaction translation, English dictionary definition of rarefaction. n. 1. The condition of being rarefied. 2. a. A decrease in density and pressure in a medium, such as air, caused b