Define puberty. puberty synonyms, puberty pronunciation, puberty translation, English dictionary definition of puberty. n. The stage of adolescence in which an individual becomes physiologically capable of sexual reproduction. pu′ber·tal , pu′ber·al
The definition of 'puberty' is ''the process of physical changes through which a child 's body matures into an adult body capable of sexual reproduction. It is initiated by hormonal signals from the brain to the gonads: the ovaries in a girl, the testes in a boy.'' ...
theheirsthat they should manumit fourslaveswhen the testator's childrenreach puberty.•Half of all girls in this countryreach pubertyby the age of 10, it has beenclaimed.•Even though I had justreached puberty, Boden saw me as a Bolshevik.•And when theyreach pubertythey startattacking...
Puberty and the definition of overweight and obesitydoi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2021.02.021Stephen R. DanielsJournal of Pediatrics
Define adolescence. adolescence synonyms, adolescence pronunciation, adolescence translation, English dictionary definition of adolescence. the period between puberty and adulthood, usually considered the teen years Not to be confused with: adolescents
pu‧bes‧cent /pjuːˈbesənt/ adjective [usually before noun] a pubescent boy or girl is going through pubertyExamples from the Corpuspubescent• The less pubescent diner can cast a detached eye on this ritual from six Formica-topped tables inside the tiny deli-restaurant....
Discover the difference between adolescence and puberty. Learn their distinguishing features and more only on BYJU’S Biology.
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Define pubic pecten. pubic pecten synonyms, pubic pecten pronunciation, pubic pecten translation, English dictionary definition of pubic pecten. n. pl. pec·tens or pec·ti·nes 1. A body structure or organ resembling a comb, such as a pleated vasculariz