Define preve. preve synonyms, preve pronunciation, preve translation, English dictionary definition of preve. vb an archaic spelling of prove Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 199
Define prevalence. prevalence synonyms, prevalence pronunciation, prevalence translation, English dictionary definition of prevalence. n. 1. The condition of being prevalent. 2. Medicine The total number of cases of a disease in a given population at a s
Kids Definition best 1 of 4 adjective ˈbest superlative of good 1 : better than all others my best friend 2 : good or useful in the highest degree : most excellent the best movie I ever saw 3: most entry 3, largest it rained for the best part of a week ...
form internal steerin form is emptiness emp form modification of form of action form of transportatio form of trial form page wizard form part of form solution form the habit offall form thinking form-blind form-level validation formal aesthetic func formal aspects of com formal definition formal...
profile control agent profile damp content profile definition profile fibre profile gasket profile method of mea profile of mathematic profile on-line profile retrieval profiled roof profiledkeyway profilemaker profiles profile profileshaft profiling head profiling slide profilstahl profissional profit loss ...
: a quantity that is transferred in addition from one number place to the one of next higher place value Medical Definition carry transitive verb car·ry ˈkar-ē carried; carrying 1 : to harbor (a pathogen) within the body many are unaware they carry the virus and could be...
[63] It is not sufficient that a word is found, unless it be so combined as that its meaning is apparently determined by the tract and tenour of the sentence; such passages I have therefore chosen, and when it happened that any authour gave a definition of a term, or such an explanat...
Define perpetuated. perpetuated synonyms, perpetuated pronunciation, perpetuated translation, English dictionary definition of perpetuated. save, maintain, sustain; preserve from oblivion: perpetuate a little-known opera Not to be confused with: perpetra
Define The Fall. The Fall synonyms, The Fall pronunciation, The Fall translation, English dictionary definition of The Fall. v. fell , fall·en , fall·ing , falls v. intr. 1. To drop or come down freely under the influence of gravity: Leaves fell from t
Define prevarications. prevarications synonyms, prevarications pronunciation, prevarications translation, English dictionary definition of prevarications. v. pre·var·i·cat·ed , pre·var·i·cat·ing , pre·var·i·cates v. intr. 1. To speak or write