Define preservations. preservations synonyms, preservations pronunciation, preservations translation, English dictionary definition of preservations. v. pre·served , pre·serv·ing , pre·serves v. tr. 1. To keep from injury, peril, or harm; protect. Se
Define Preservatives. Preservatives synonyms, Preservatives pronunciation, Preservatives translation, English dictionary definition of Preservatives. adj. Tending to preserve or capable of preserving. n. Something used to preserve, especially a chemical
process definition to process drama process engineer inje process features process flow structur process imageprocess process impact process inspection re process lubricant process modeling and process monitoring pr process name process of production process of regulation process operations ma process optimize...
Globalization is one of the most discussed concepts across the disciplines but still remains elusive and confounded. In this respect, the debate taking place in the literature on globalization is two-pronged as the definition of the meaning of globalization is still not consensual and ...
The IASB considered whether the definition of capital is different from the definition of equity in IAS 32. In most cases, capital would be the same as equity, but it might also include or exclude some other elements. The disclosure of capital is intended...
To be able to support this emergent implementation over architectural pieces, definition of a highly decoupled API is the most critical factor. Whenever implementation details permeate outside the API—hence, coupling with its consumers—refactoring the architectural components becomes a nightmare. That ...
Section 2 and Section 3 begin with an attempt to redefine the term “orthodoxy” within a Jewish context, briefly examining it in light of parallel usages of the term within scholarly discourse about Christianity and Islam. The definition of orthodoxy leads me to examine the relationship between ...
Definition 1. [9]. Let 𝐾=(𝐺,𝑀,𝐼) be a formal context, where 𝐺={𝑥𝑖|𝑖∈1,2,…,𝑛} is a set of objects and 𝑀={𝑎𝑗|𝑗∈1,2,…,𝑚} is a set of attributes. I is a subset of Cartesian products 𝐺×𝑀, which represents the binary relation bet...
There is much evidence suggesting that the testimony given by Van Dyke was fantasy, or distorted from reality, given the video footage. Here “fantasy,” refers to the textbook definition, which can be found, for example, in the 2019 Merriam-Webster Dictionary in which the word is defined as...
preserˈvation ˌordernoun[countable]in Britain, anofficialorder that something, especially an area ofcountrysideor an oldbuilding, must bepreservedand notdamageda tree preservation order Examples from the Corpus preservation order•Those particularflatshave apreservation orderon them.•With that, ...