Define possessiveness. possessiveness synonyms, possessiveness pronunciation, possessiveness translation, English dictionary definition of possessiveness. adj. 1. Of or relating to ownership or possession. 2. Having or manifesting a desire to control or
Define possessioned. possessioned synonyms, possessioned pronunciation, possessioned translation, English dictionary definition of possessioned. adj having possessions Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCo
1) About the Definition of the Possession s Character 论占有性质的界定 2) The Characteristics of Possessing 论占有的性质 3) The boundaries and definitions of possession rights 占有权的界定 4) nature of possession 占有性质 1. Therefore,it will be more rational and impressive to explain thenature...
The meaning of THE POSSESSIVE is the form of a word that shows possession or belonging. How to use the possessive in a sentence.
Supernormal knowledge which the medium could not have acquired, is an indispensable condition to prove the presence of an external spirit. True negative possession is rare. There are, however, many cases that might be termed psychological possession, where the person believes him-or herself to be...
The finance company nowhas possession ofthe house.We didn’ttake possession of(=get and start using)the car until a few days after the auction.2something you own[countable usually plural]something that you own or have with you at a particular timeSYNbelongingsHe had sold all his possessions...
rejected the plan out of hand 3 : done with : finished 4 : with the hands fruit eaten out of hand to hand 1 : within reach weapons ready to hand 2 : into possession The letter … has come to hand… George Washington hand it to : to give credit to : concede the excel...
applied to the individual, for we use the term 'man' in describing the individual; and the definition of 'man' will also be predicated of the individual man, for the individual man is both man and animal. Thus, both the name and the definition of the species are predicable of the ...
But this definition of productive consumption is only advanced in order to separate consumption that is identical with production from consumption proper, which is regarded by contrast as the destructive antithesis of production. Let us therefore consider consumption proper. Consumption is also immediately...
Define possessedness. possessedness synonyms, possessedness pronunciation, possessedness translation, English dictionary definition of possessedness. n the state or condition of being possessed Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th