Define pomposo. pomposo synonyms, pomposo pronunciation, pomposo translation, English dictionary definition of pomposo. music adv in a ceremonial or grand manner adj to be played in a ceremonial or grand manner Collins English Dictionary – Complete and
Define pompousness. pompousness synonyms, pompousness pronunciation, pompousness translation, English dictionary definition of pompousness. adj. 1. Characterized by excessive self-esteem or exaggerated dignity; pretentious: pompous officials who enjoy gi
Crowley tells the story well, interweaving the biographical with the historical. He draws on official correspondence between Townsend and his colleagues and superiors, Colonial Office files with and about Townsend (which reflect the usual aggrieved tone of correspondents and pompous tone of Colonial Off...
The narration of the Ecstasis thus fulfils two of the conditions stipulated by Tzvetan Todorov for his technical definition of ‘the fantastic’ in modern prose fiction: First, the text must oblige the reader to consider the world of the characters as a world of living persons and to ...
Brand Tone of Voice Definition In essence, tone of voice describes how your brand speaks with its audience, which impacts how that audience receives and perceives your message. Tone of voice is all about how you communicate as a brand, as opposed to what you communicate. ...
how much you believe green energy unreliability contributed to Texas’ electrical grid failure, if we use the same arguments others use to brand things as white privilege, then there is absolutely no denying that green energy does; in fact, meet the definition of white privilege to the letter....
By my definition of “good” cooking, my generation are indisputably lesser cooks than our grandparents – or, in most cases, our grandmothers – were. We might be able to produce pleasant enough meals. But because we’ve grown up in a time of plenty – plenty of choice, at least, if...
and celebrated elegies to the individual and personal experiences of Russians during World War II. Russia's fight against the Nazi war machine cost that country 20 million lives. Ballad of a Soldier takes a simple premise — one young soldier's journey home to visit his mother — and shapes...
for example, has been widely interpreted as a symbol of China’s ambition to supplant the United States’ role in global economic governance (Wildau and Clover2015). Further, these institutions are, by definition, expressions of independence and regional solidarity. Therefore, the loss of a new ...
My dictionary duly notes in its first definition that the word pertains to the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901). But its second definition is more to the point: "Exhibiting qualities, as moral severity or hypocrisy, middle-class stuffiness, and pompous conservatism" that are "usually ...