Define plateaus. plateaus synonyms, plateaus pronunciation, plateaus translation, English dictionary definition of plateaus. n. pl. pla·teaus or pla·teaux 1. An elevated, comparatively level expanse of land; a tableland. 2. A relatively stable level, p
Define Platea. Platea synonyms, Platea pronunciation, Platea translation, English dictionary definition of Platea. An ancient city of central Greece southwest of Thebes, the site of a major Greek victory over the Persians in 479 bc. American Heritage®
plateau•The fifteenth, seemingly relativelytameat 167yards, had aplateaugreenthatslopedfrom right to left.•The king'shighway, animportanttraderoute, ran down theeasternplateau.•Then teammate Joel Zide of Northridgequickenedthepacetoreachthe five-fishplateaufirst.•Weinchedup over theridgeand...
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Explore the plateau definition and discover various types of these landforms and their characteristics. Learn about how plateaus are formed and see examples. Related to this Question What is the terrain of the Tibetan Plateau? What is the Plateau of Tibet?
, "When did humans come to live in permanent settlements on the Tibetan Plateau?", and "What is the earliest evidence for local agriculture"? This paper attempts to evaluate and comment on recent debating, further study should clarify the definition of the Tibet plateau with consideration of ...
Plateau | Definition, Characteristics, Types & Examples from Chapter 6 / Lesson 5 238K Explore the plateau definition and discover various types of these landforms and their characteristics. Learn about how plateaus are formed and see examples. Related...
Definition of glomeroporphyritic basalt: USGS map and pamphlet for the Snoqualmie Quadrangle: Info on volcanic breccia:
Define plateau. plateau synonyms, plateau pronunciation, plateau translation, English dictionary definition of plateau. n. pl. pla·teaus or pla·teaux 1. An elevated, comparatively level expanse of land; a tableland. 2. A relatively stable level, period
Define texas. texas synonyms, texas pronunciation, texas translation, English dictionary definition of texas. Abbr. TX or Tex. A state of the south-central United States. It was admitted as the 28th state in 1845. Explored by the Spanish in the 1500s and