Define Perceptions. Perceptions synonyms, Perceptions pronunciation, Perceptions translation, English dictionary definition of Perceptions. n. 1. a. The process of perceiving something with the senses: the perception of a faint sound. b. An instance of t
Define perceiver. perceiver synonyms, perceiver pronunciation, perceiver translation, English dictionary definition of perceiver. tr.v. per·ceived , per·ceiv·ing , per·ceives 1. a. To become aware of directly through any of the senses, especially sig
Quality of image rendering. High-definition televisions significantly improve the viewing experience with superior image quality. 4 Resolution The detail level within an image, determined by pixel count. The digital camera captures images at a resolution of 20 megapixels. 4 Definition Perception of ima...
Definition To become aware of The act or process of perceiving 14 Process vs. Result Process Result 10 Usage in a Sentence Describes an action Describes a concept or state 11 Related Terms Sensing, recognizing Insight, interpretation 14 Compare with Definitions Perceive To understand or comprehend....
Nida’a definition of translation: translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closet natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. 所谓翻译,是指从语义到文体在译语中用最贴近而又最自然的对等语再现原语的信息。We can...
though the name may quite well be applied to that in which it is present, the definition cannot be applied. Yet of secondary substances, not only the name, but also the definition, applies to the subject: we should use both the definition of the species and that of the genus with refere...
al. (2021) define perceived ECSR as “a sense that employees perceive the degree to which their organization’s ECSR is fulfilled and evaluate their organization”. Our research, thus, pays attention to employees’ perception of ECSR and adopts Wu et al. (2021) definition of perceived ECSR...
Define perceptiveness. perceptiveness synonyms, perceptiveness pronunciation, perceptiveness translation, English dictionary definition of perceptiveness. adj. 1. Of or relating to perception: perceptive faculties. 2. a. Having the ability to perceive; k
Define perceptible. perceptible synonyms, perceptible pronunciation, perceptible translation, English dictionary definition of perceptible. adj. Capable of being perceived by the senses or the mind: perceptible sounds in the night. per·cep′ti·bil′i·
Limited studies exist on faculty members or lecturers’ perception and behavioural acceptance of artificial intelligence (AI) (e.g. ChatGPT) for their students' benefit. Teachers are the decision-makers for students' teaching and classroom activities. In this regard, the study examined lecturers’ ...