Define pallors. pallors synonyms, pallors pronunciation, pallors translation, English dictionary definition of pallors. n. Extreme or unnatural paleness. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houg
Define pallor. pallor synonyms, pallor pronunciation, pallor translation, English dictionary definition of pallor. n. Extreme or unnatural paleness. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton
Bodily collapse or near collapse caused by inadequate oxygen delivery to the cells; characterized by reduced cardiac output, rapid heartbeat, circulatory insufficiency and pallor. Loss of blood is an important cause of shock. ISCHAEMIA A decrease in the blood supply to a bodily organ, tissue or ...
a Ultrasound examination of patient #1: fibrotic liver pattern showing decreased definition of portal vein wall (green arrow) and a heterogeneous echotexture of liver parenchyma (red arrow). b Schistosoma mansoni eggs in bloody stool (patient #1). Blue arrows show the eggs’ characteristic lateral...
De Luca D, van Kaam AH, Tingay DG, Courtney SE, Danhaive O, Carnielli VP et al (2017) The Montreux definition of neonatal ARDS: biological and clinical background behind the description of a new entity. Lancet Respir Med 5(8):657–66. Available from:
the definition is never predicable, there is nothing in certain cases to prevent the name being used. For instance, 'white' being present in a body is predicated of that in which it is present, for a body is called white: the definition, however, of the colour 'white' is never predicab...
Between my pale après-winter pallor and my general lack of sleep, I have been more aware of the nasty bags under my eyes. Which is why I adore this new brightening under-eye color-corrector cream. Unlike some similar products, this is lightweight and creaseless, yet it covers the ...
In this paper, the phenomenon of disaggregation of masonry walls under the action of an earthquake has been linked to the so-called "masonry quality", demonstrating its critical contribution in the definition of the most likely failure mode of a masonry wall. In detail, this paper addressed ...
which is the emergence of N self-changing floating unknowns ( Is the transcendence of the known this basis, it is also a transcendence of this existence on the surface of the earth, But also for the unknown ascension), It is completely different from the definition of illiteracy in our kno...
Define palliators. palliators synonyms, palliators pronunciation, palliators translation, English dictionary definition of palliators. tr.v. pal·li·at·ed , pal·li·at·ing , pal·li·ates 1. a. To make less severe or intense; mitigate. See Synonyms a