Define moralities. moralities synonyms, moralities pronunciation, moralities translation, English dictionary definition of moralities. character or virtue; concern with the distinction between good and evil or right conduct; the right principles of human
Define morals. morals synonyms, morals pronunciation, morals translation, English dictionary definition of morals. adj. 1. Of or concerned with the judgment of right or wrong of human action and character: moral scrutiny; a moral quandary. 2. Teaching or
1. a system of moral principles 2. an instruction or lesson in morals 3. short for morality play Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005 computer ethicsSocial responsibility as applied to the use of computers and technology. Privacy of information as well ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook moral Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Medical,Acronyms,Idioms,Wikipedia. Related to moral:Moral development Law(of evidence, etc.) based on a knowledge of the tendencies of human nature Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005 ...
Summarize Kant's Metaphysics of Morals What is moral epistemology? What is Plato's Metaphysics? What is moral positivism? What is the definition of metaphysics in philosophy? What is Kant's moral philosophy? What is metaphysics in Indian philosophy?
Too Long; Didn't ReadThe Definition of Marriage—Marriage Among Animals—The Predominance of Monogamy—The Question of Group Marriage—Monogamy a Natural Fact, Not Based on Human Law—The Tendency to Place the Form of Marriage Above the Fact of Marriage—The History of Marriage—Marriage in ...
They also begin their article with a definition of what it is for an entity to have moral status, rather than what moral status is: “An entity has moral status if and only if its interests morally matter to some degree for its own sake.” One might combine these by saying, roughly, ...
Fierce rearguard actions were fought by both ancient Universities against this distressingly dilettante subject: the definition of an academic subject was what could be examined, and since English was no more than idle gossip about literary taste it was difficult to know how to make it unpleasant ...
Putnam (2001) proposed the definition of social capital by merging the micro and macro perspectives, believing that social capital refers to the social network that can improve economic efficiency through coordinated actions. Putnam (2001) distinguished two forms of civic engagement, which he referred...
Define moral. moral synonyms, moral pronunciation, moral translation, English dictionary definition of moral. ethical: moral responsibility; lesson: the moral of a story; upright, honest, straightforward, virtuous, honorable: a moral woman Not to be conf