Define mechanic. mechanic synonyms, mechanic pronunciation, mechanic translation, English dictionary definition of mechanic. n. A worker skilled in making, using, or repairing machines, vehicles, and tools. me·chan′ic adj. American Heritage® Diction
Define price mechanism. price mechanism synonyms, price mechanism pronunciation, price mechanism translation, English dictionary definition of price mechanism. The balancing of the forces of supply and demand in a market to produce a price. Dictionary of
innovative mechanismindustrial enterpriseThe aim of the article. Article is devoted to the definition of the category innovative mechanism of industrial enterprises. Formation and content of that category was conducted using the research nature and relationships between the three basic components: innovation...
Mechanism refers to a system of parts working together in a machine, while process denotes a series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular end.
A famous example was provided by Piaget (1951) who described how a child understood the mechanism of the matchbox only after it opened and closed its mouth a few times. Most impressive are examples demonstrating the frequent use of defense-like strategies in different domains, notably problem ...
These observations motivates the question: if the hubs have such a large effect in some of the network properties, which of these hubs form the core of a network? Here we consider cores that are defined via the shared number of links within the hubs. The definition of the cores considered...
2.2TheKinematicDiagramofaMechanism(机构运动简图)TheKinematicdiagramoftheinternalcombustionengineis:E65'D5A44'C123BD5"F7 2.2.1DefinitionandPurposeSincethisdiagramisusedonlytoexpresstherelationshipbetweenthemotionsoflinks,itshouldbesimplebutprovideallnecessary(butnotredundant多余的)informationdeterminingtherelative...
Innate immune pattern recognition receptors, such as the Toll-like receptors (TLRs), are key mediators of the immune response to infection and central to our understanding of health and disease1. After microbial detection, these receptors activate inflammatory signal transduction pathways that involve ...
Define mechanism of action. mechanism of action synonyms, mechanism of action pronunciation, mechanism of action translation, English dictionary definition of mechanism of action. n. 1. The mechanism{2} by which a pharmacologically active substance produ
Define mechanical. mechanical synonyms, mechanical pronunciation, mechanical translation, English dictionary definition of mechanical. adj. 1. Of or relating to machines or tools: mechanical skill. 2. Operated or produced by a mechanism or machine: a mec