Define matrilineal. matrilineal synonyms, matrilineal pronunciation, matrilineal translation, English dictionary definition of matrilineal. adj. Relating to, based on, or tracing ancestral descent through the maternal line. mat′ri·lin′e·al·ly adv. A
Define matrixes. matrixes synonyms, matrixes pronunciation, matrixes translation, English dictionary definition of matrixes. n. pl. ma·tri·ces or ma·trix·es 1. A situation or surrounding substance within which something else originates, develops, or
On page 21, the definition of "Matrilineal, matrifocal, matristic, matrilocal" should read:Matrilineal, matrifocal, matristic, matrilocal:Matrilinealrefers to societies in which descent and inheritance are traced for children in terms of their mother rather than their father. In family ...
Finally, such traditional, metaphorically matrilineal anxiety ensures that even the maker of a text, when she is a woman, may feel imprisoned within texts—folded and “wrinkled” by their pages and thus trapped in their “perpetual seam[s]” which perpetually tell her how she seems. 最后,那...
The earliest ‘urnfields’ can be identified in central Hungary, among the tell communities of the late Nagyrév/Vatya Culture, around 2000 BC. From the nineteenth century BC onwards, the urnfield model is documented among communities in northeastern Serbia, south of the Iron Gates. During the...
adherent作adj.意为“依附…的;连生的”等(后用介词to),作n.意为“支持者,拥护者,信徒”等(后面的介词通常用of,偶尔也用to)。该词常以名词形式出现在句子中。该词中的HER是源自拉丁语的词根,意为to stick或to get stuck,前缀AD-与后缀-ENT的含义可参照前面的有关内容。例句:Our adherents were much mor...
THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other reproduction is strictly prohibited without permission from the publisher. The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Inheritance transfer of the property of a deceased person ...
According to another viewpoint accepted in Soviet literature, even in its early stage of development the clan was not an economic unit; its chief function was the control of marriage rights. Moreover, the clan developed into either a matrilineal or patrilineal form, depending on concrete circumsta...
Define matron. matron synonyms, matron pronunciation, matron translation, English dictionary definition of matron. n. 1. A married woman or a widow, especially a mother of dignity, mature age, and established social position. 2. A woman who acts as a sup
Define matricentric. matricentric synonyms, matricentric pronunciation, matricentric translation, English dictionary definition of matricentric. tending to move toward or centering upon the mother. See also: Mother -Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Ga