Define martyrologe. martyrologe synonyms, martyrologe pronunciation, martyrologe translation, English dictionary definition of martyrologe. Obsolete, a list, register or book of martyrs. See also: Religion -Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group,
Define martyries. martyries synonyms, martyries pronunciation, martyries translation, English dictionary definition of martyries. n , pl -tyries a shrine or chapel erected in honour of a martyr Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th
To make a martyr of, especially to put to death for devotion to religious beliefs. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th EditionFind More Words! Wildcard(?) letters appear in REDHere are some other words you could make with the letters MARTYR, you can alsouse ...
indeed infinitely many, it remains ambiguous, double-edged. It blinks: it is always this one—and never nothing—out of which another immediately arises. The space that transforms itself
Afterward, I went and shadowed the staff at that NICU. I saw how heroic they were but also just how much they were suffering. There was this almost-martyr mentality, in which the amount that they were sacrificing their own well-being was almost a signal of how much they ...
population will likely experience this new normal occurrence of extreme precipitation. As much as one-third of the population is expected to experience the current definition of a 1-in-100-year storm as often as three times in their lifetime. Additionally, the current precipitation standards for ...
DDT. Just a few years ago it was a martyr to ignorant anti-chemical luddites perpetrating a “deadly fantasy” about a modern agricultural technology provensafe by science. Now it not only causes breast cancer in women decades after childhood exposure, but the amount of it in their blood as...
JL, you have been the definition of reliable and grounded. Thank you for literally holding down the fort this past year with YAK; your calming presence will always be unmatched! JKW, JEM SLAY WILLIAMS, you have literally carried this magazine for years now. I cannot thank you enough for ...
Instead of being stricken to the heart with a solemn sorrow, as a Patriot Martyr would have been under similar circumstances, he felt slighted and ridiculous. View in context But I say, the martyr in this case, from first to last, is the husband. View in context QUETTA: Senior Journalist...
Define Marter. Marter synonyms, Marter pronunciation, Marter translation, English dictionary definition of Marter. n. 1. Same as Marten. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co