Define manifestations. manifestations synonyms, manifestations pronunciation, manifestations translation, English dictionary definition of manifestations. n. 1. a. The act of manifesting. b. The state of being manifested. 2. An indication of the existenc
Define Manifestness. Manifestness synonyms, Manifestness pronunciation, Manifestness translation, English dictionary definition of Manifestness. n. 1. The quality or state of being manifest; obviousness. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published
As Mike Dooley says, “The line ‘Or do you think… I simply imagined the end result?’ holds the greatest secret of the miraculous mechanics of manifestation: the entire process happens in exactly the reverse order shown to us by our physical senses!” And what he means is this. The pr...
Before starting our tour of Monticello, I'd like to give you some historical facts that might help you appreciate what you see today even more. Monticello was the very much loved home of Thomas Jefferson for over fifty years. Jefferson, who was, of course, president, was also a great rea...
for the Reality of Philosophical Esotericism) 第一章 证明隐微主义的证词证据(The Testimonial Evidence for Esotericism) 梅尔泽提供了具有代表性的证词证据,如狄德罗的《百科全书》,威廉·沃伯顿助教《摩西的神圣使命被证实》,托兰德,莱布尼茨,皮埃尔·贝尔的《历史与批判词典》,托马斯·伯内特的《古代万物起源论》,...
我们可能会想,可以简单地重新定义 "审美判断",使它指的是任何将审美属性看做某一对象的谓语(is predicated of an object)的判断。但这需要我们不涉及它的直观可掌握性(immediately graspable),也要说出审美属性是什么。这一点似乎没有人做到。我们似乎可以简单地重新定义 "审美判断",使它指的是某些判断,在这些...
My wounded self, by definition, is the part of me that wants control. Since surrender is the opposite of control, the last thing my wounded self wants is to surrender. If I go unconscious and allow my wounded self to be in charge of my intent, I’m actually creating the very powerless...
3.1 Classification of the three Kuroshio paths Based on the definition of Sugimoto and Hanawa (2012), the typical Kuroshio paths are defined as follows: (1) If the average position of the Kuroshio path between 135°E and 136°E is located north of 32°N, the average position of the Kur...
So this is what he means by talking about discourse and systems of discourse as conditions of possibility of a science, but that need not necessarily give birth to a science or lead to the development of science. So in the Archaeology, the definition that he gives of discursive formations in...
Define manifesting. manifesting synonyms, manifesting pronunciation, manifesting translation, English dictionary definition of manifesting. adj. Clearly apparent to the sight or understanding; obvious. See Synonyms at apparent. v. man·i·fest·ed , man