Define Landslides. Landslides synonyms, Landslides pronunciation, Landslides translation, English dictionary definition of Landslides. n. 1. a. The downward sliding of a relatively dry mass of earth and rock. b. The mass that slides. Also called landslip
Define landlady. landlady synonyms, landlady pronunciation, landlady translation, English dictionary definition of landlady. n. 1. A woman who owns and rents land, buildings, or dwelling units. 2. A woman who runs a rooming house or an inn; an innkeeper.
Geological Definition of the Main Landslide Typesdoi:10.1016/B978-0-444-99700-5.50010-2ELSEVIERDevelopments in Geotechnical Engineering
developed by Varnes (1978). The primary recommendation is to modify the definition of landslide-forming materials, to provide compatibility with accepted geotechnical and geological terminology of rocks and soils. Other, less important modifications of the classification system are suggested...
landslide ... victory• The opposition call for a boycott of the election was almost universally observed yet the Government still claimed a landslide victory.• Instead, Nu scored a landslide victory, winning 159 seats to the 41 the Stable group secured.• Will the Conservative promise to...
landslide ... victory•Theoppositioncall for aboycottof the election was almost universallyobservedyet the Government stillclaimedalandslide victory.•Instead,Nuscoredalandslide victory, winning 159seatsto the 41 theStablegroupsecured.•Will theConservativepromisetoabolisheducationbring them alandslide ...
Erosion can significantly increase the destructive power of a landslide by amplifying its volume, mobility and impact force. The threat posed by an erosive landslide is linked to its mobility. No mechanical condition has yet been presented for when, how
To assess the landslide hazard in the Analamanga Hill area, an integrated approach was adopted by means of the following actions: (i) creation of a multitemporal detailed scale landslide map; (ii) geotechnical characterization of the involved materials; (iii) analysis of landslide susceptibility ...
Regarding the best definition of buffer distance for non-landslide sampling, there is no agreement on this topic so far. In this study, a measurement in GIS shows that the average distance among the landslides in the study area is approximately 400 m, thus we used the 200 m as the interva...
Define Landshut. Landshut synonyms, Landshut pronunciation, Landshut translation, English dictionary definition of Landshut. n a city in SE Germany, in Bavaria: Trausnitz castle ; manufacturing centre for machinery and chemicals. Pop: 60 282 Collins Engl