Define Irritations. Irritations synonyms, Irritations pronunciation, Irritations translation, English dictionary definition of Irritations. n. 1. a. The act of irritating: the prankster's irritation of the others in the dorm. b. The condition of being ir
Define irritably. irritably synonyms, irritably pronunciation, irritably translation, English dictionary definition of irritably. adj. 1. Easily irritated or annoyed. 2. Medicine Abnormally or excessively sensitive to a stimulus: irritable bladder. 3. Ca
The meaning of BURN is to consume fuel and give off heat, light, and gases. How to use burn in a sentence.
The act of irritating. Source: American Heritage DictionaryThe condition of being irritated; vexation: honked the horn with irritation at the delay. Source: American Heritage DictionaryWhat happened to our word finder? No worries we just moved it. You can find it here or click on it from the...
of theclockbegan toirritateme.•I don't want tolistentomuzakinstores- itirritatesme.•Thatsillysmileof hers alwaysirritatedme.•Thepollenirritatedmy eyes, which wereredandstreamingwithtears.•Perfumesinsoapcanirritateskin.•Theinfluxofrefugeesirritatedthe residents of Pusan.•Nineteenpercentof ...
• Paul's was irritated with the children because he was tired.irritated about/at/with/by• However, in recent years Conservative ministers have been irritated by a steady trickle of government defeats in the Upper House.• You won't be irritated by a steering wheel which writhes ...
The meaning of BURN is to consume fuel and give off heat, light, and gases. How to use burn in a sentence.
This sample was drawn from a larger study of direct and public violence, which included other forms of family violence involving a parent or other family member, but these were excluded from this report as being outside the definition of intimate partner violence. The fieldwork involved 54 key...
Physics An alteration or displacement of a region of a medium from its equilibrium state. What do you call a person who gets irritated easily? Irritable, testy, touchy, irascible are adjectives meaning easily upset, offended, or angered. Irritable means easily annoyed or bothered, and it implies...
The classic definition of democratic consolidation as a situation in which democracy has turned into “the only game in town” (Linz and Stepan1996, p. 5) describes a situation of universal rule compliance in which “all the actors in the polity [have] become habituated to the fact that pol...