Define intentional. intentional synonyms, intentional pronunciation, intentional translation, English dictionary definition of intentional. adj. 1. Done deliberately; intended: an intentional slight. See Synonyms at voluntary. 2. Having to do with intent
Define intentionality. intentionality synonyms, intentionality pronunciation, intentionality translation, English dictionary definition of intentionality. ) n. pl. in·ten·tion·al·i·ties 1. The state of having or being formed by an intention. 2. Phil
- Socrates argues that the state has justice. Because the definition of justice is not meddling with others’ affairs (this is said as is). And the state in this thought experiment is set up where each person does what suits him the best naturally. Hence the state is just. Which is why...
I find that I have a different definition than most people of the wordignorant. In the book of words it is an adjective describing the lack of education or sophistication. I’ve come to understand it as a noun,someone who ignoresin order to shore-up their belief. So, in my book of w...
There’s a prerequisite to connecting: an intentional step into the unknown. It is as true when shooting telescopes into space as it is when trying to grasp “Who am I?”“Lao Tzu wrote, “When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” ...
By Charlene Elsby, Published on 06/01/13Charlene ElsbyThe Physical Society of Japan (JPS)Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan
The meaning of AFFIRMATIVE is asserting that the fact is so. How to use affirmative in a sentence.
We maintain that (2) is an inquiry of more worth than (1), and since (2) and not (1) is capable of distinguishing poetry from murder, the name "artistic criticism" is properly given to (2). II It is not so much a historical statement as a definition to say that the intentional ...
The major problem with the current emotional well-being scales is that they lack intentionality (being about something), which makes them incongruent with the definition of subjective well-being. A new emotional well-being scale with new affect adjectives has been developed by addressing intentionality...
Define intents. intents synonyms, intents pronunciation, intents translation, English dictionary definition of intents. aims, purposes; intentions: His intents are to be rich and famous. Not to be confused with: intense – in an extreme degree; straining