Define ineffable. ineffable synonyms, ineffable pronunciation, ineffable translation, English dictionary definition of ineffable. adj. 1. Incapable of being expressed; indescribable or unutterable: ineffable joy. 2. Not to be uttered; taboo: the ineffabl
Define Ineffectible. Ineffectible synonyms, Ineffectible pronunciation, Ineffectible translation, English dictionary definition of Ineffectible. a. 1. Ineffectual; impracticable. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam
3 Its the feeble definition of TV which condemns its spectator to rearranging the few points retained into a kind of abstract work. He participates suddenly in the creation of a reality that was only just presented to him in dots: the television watcher is in the position of an individual ...
5、This anodyne definitionof well-being leaves out the better half of the story, the rich, full joy that comes from a meaningful life. It is the dark matter of happiness, the ineffable quality we admire in wise men and women and aspire to cultivate in our own lives. It turns out that...
5、Thisanodynedefinitionofwell-beingleaves outthebetterhalfofthestory,therich,fulljo ythatcomesfromameaningfullife。Itist hedarkmatterofhappiness,theineffable „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„最新资料推荐„„„„„„„„„„„„...
5、This anodyne definition of well-being leaves out the better half of the story, the rich, full joy that comes from a meaningful life. It is the dark matter of happiness, the ineffable quality we admire in wise men and women and aspire to cultivate in our own lives. It turns out tha...
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I will do so by forming an argument for ineffability that attempts to both validate and define absolute ineffability as the point of convergence between three meanings of Being Ineffable: as a definition of absolute (ineffability), as a mystical experience of it, and finally, as the ...
我们这个时代的人对幸福的追求已经缩小到只追求福气:一生没有烦恼,没有痛苦和困惑。5、This anodyne definition of well-being leaves out the better half of the story, the rich, full joy that comes from a meaningful life. It is the dark matter of happiness, the ineffable quality we ...