are of the opinion that n.认为,相信 an opinion 意见 of the opinion that 认为..., 相信... 主张 of the opinion that … 持…的看法;认为… in the opinion of 按...的意见, 在...看来, 依...看 bank opinion 银行意见 give an opinion on 对…发表意见 dissenting opinion 反对意见...
★★ →所有的比较级两个反义词都属于Converse antonymy 反向反义关系 Eg: better-worse higher-lower Chapter 8 Language in use 本章考点1:Semantics(语义学)与Pragmatic(语用学)的区别(定义题) •Semantics: 定义:The meaning of language was considered as something___, and___, i.e.,a property at...
critical diagram是什么意思及反义词判定图 critical depth of wave base什么意思及同义词波蚀临界深度 critical dependence的中文释义临界依赖关系 critical density的中文释义临界密度 critical deformation是什么意思临界变形 critical definition是什么意思临界清晰度
的原因,解释,占比:account for…因为…on account of 30.definev.下定义→definitionn.定义 1.___n.博客vi.写博客→___n.博客作者,博主组织)→___adj.行善的;慷慨施舍的 2.___n.引擎→___n.工程师vt.策划;设计;精明地处理___n.现款,现金vt.将…兑现;支付现款___n.灰;骨灰___用...
Word – Simple definition(定义) in English — Phrase or sentence — Related(相关的) words — Synonyms (同义词) and antonyms(反义词) — Chinese meaning on the back of the card. The good thing about this system is that with a single card, a student can learn not just one word, but a...
和《剑桥词典》恰好构成反义词,《韦氏词典》的年度词汇是 authentic(真实的、原汁原味的)。这个形容词可以修饰美食、艺术品、文化体验甚至某人性格,强调没有虚构或伪装。 In an age of deepfakes and post-truth, as artificial intelligence rose and Elon Musk turned Twitter into X, the Merriam-Webster word of...
Word---Simpledefinition(定义)inEnglish---PhraseorsentenceRelated(相关的)words---Synonyms(同义词)andantonyms(反义词)---Chinesemeaningonthebackofthecard. Thegoodthingaboutthissystemisthatwithasinglecard,astudentcanlearnnotjustoneword,butagroupofrelatedwords. Keepyourcardsonaremovablemetalring,soyoucancarry...
In this issue, let us study the vocabulary frequently used in the exam of CATTI, at the same time, synomym, and antonym of the words to be learned ,too. Remarks for abbreviation:W=Word-building; D=Definition; Eg: example; V=Verb; N=Noun; A=Adjective; C=Collocation; S=Synonym; An...
in the act of 在…的作案过程中,当场 act as v. 1.担当…;起…的作用 act to 采取措施 enabling act 授权法 get into the act v. 参加,插手 act on instinct 凭直觉行动 相似单词 ACT =Active Control Technology 主动控制技术 act n.[C] 1.行为,行动 2.行动过程 3.【戏】幕;(马戏、...
Word—Simple definition (定义) in English—Phrase or sentence—Related (相关的) words—Synonyms (同义词) and antonyms (反义词—Chinese meaning on the back of the card. The good thing about this system is that with a single card, a student can learn not just one word, but a group of re...