Define imprudent. imprudent synonyms, imprudent pronunciation, imprudent translation, English dictionary definition of imprudent. adj. Unwise or indiscreet; not prudent. im·pru′dent·ly adv. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fif
Define imprudence. imprudence synonyms, imprudence pronunciation, imprudence translation, English dictionary definition of imprudence. n. 1. The quality or condition of being unwise or indiscreet. 2. An unwise or indiscreet act. American Heritage® Dic
Comorbidity-risk plots. Extending the definition of calibration, a model can also be examined for systematic disparities across demographic groups in patient comorbidity conditional on risk score percentiles. Comorbidity provides a good representation of the patient’s overall health by mainly focusing ...
discussed in stage 2, and a clear definition of what was considered a psychiatric bed among others.4 Along with deliberating upon the importance of contextual factors, experts reached a consensus for the minimum number of psychiatric beds at 30 per 100 000 population, and the optimum at 60 per...
However, it would be imprudent to adapt the parameters from human studies (and vice versa) assuming a linear relationship between brain volume and the amount of current required. These considerations are especially important for those brains that lack cortical circumvolutions and are much smaller in...
According to this definition, a concept is unchangeable within the framework it belongs to and is part of. The concept of gravity is unchangeable within Newtonian physics. However, when treated by Einstein's relativity it is quite different. In the natural sciences, the frontiers of frameworks ...
between private parties in healthcare are set through bargaining power-based negotiations between insurers and providers. And it led me to start thinking harder about the upsides and downsides of negotiated pricing versus standard pricing. Here is the definition I’m using for each of those terms...
•2.DefinitionoftheChemistryIndustry •Thereisnosimpledefinitionofthe chemicalindustrybecauseofitsdiversity ofoperationsandcloselinksinmany areas •3.TheNeedforChemicalIndustry •(1)Food:largequantitiesoffertilizers; cropprotectionchemicals;veterinary ...
Define impugn. impugn synonyms, impugn pronunciation, impugn translation, English dictionary definition of impugn. to attack as untrue; censure; malign; to cast doubt upon: Her reputation was impugned. Not to be confused with: impute – to attribute or a
Define Impugnation. Impugnation synonyms, Impugnation pronunciation, Impugnation translation, English dictionary definition of Impugnation. n. 1. Act of impugning; opposition; attack. A perpetual impugnation and self-conflict. - Bp. Hall. Webster's Revis