Define impartial. impartial synonyms, impartial pronunciation, impartial translation, English dictionary definition of impartial. adj. Not partial or biased; unprejudiced. See Synonyms at fair1. im′par·ti·al′i·ty , im·par′tial·ness n. im·par′ti
Define impart. impart synonyms, impart pronunciation, impart translation, English dictionary definition of impart. tr.v. im·part·ed , im·part·ing , im·parts 1. To grant a share of; bestow: impart a subtle flavor; impart some advice. 2. To make known
The pinnacle of problems surrounding the business casual dress code is the definition of “business casual” itself. There is a broad spectrum of ways to interpret business casual, which is why employers using a business casual dress code should incorporate help of image consultants and clearly def...
“It felt bad for the exact same reason we don’t let robots participate in the Olympics, “ one Twitter user wrote. ”This is the literal definition of ‘pressed a few buttons to make a digital art piece’, “ another tweeted. Y...
thinfilmdefinition thinfilmresistorladde thing for you thing transferred thingan gyank things have simmered things look rather di things that do not in things very well things were fine the thingspersonal think about one thing think before you agt think big n think chinese rice sm think fit...
Definition of Impairing the obligation of contracts in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Impairing the obligation of contracts? Meaning of Impairing the obligation of contracts as a legal term. What does I
bringing the worst carnage that has ever been on the earth - to America, and to the rest of the world. The Communists, a group dominated by the Zionist Jews, claim they will bring peace to the world. But their definition of “peace” is - the elimination of all resistance to their po...
After the review by the OMB, the DOL publicly released an official 60-day delay to the fiduciary rule's applicability date. The 63-page announcement noted that " would be inappropriate to broadly delay the application of the fiduciary definition and Impartial Conduct Standards for an exten...
Define impar. impar synonyms, impar pronunciation, impar translation, English dictionary definition of impar. Anatomy adj. also a·zy·gous Not one of a pair, as a vein or muscle; occurring singly. n. An unpaired anatomical structure. American Heritage
Define distance. distance synonyms, distance pronunciation, distance translation, English dictionary definition of distance. n. 1. The extent of space between two objects or places; an intervening space. 2. The fact or condition of being apart in space;