Define Gini. Gini synonyms, Gini pronunciation, Gini translation, English dictionary definition of Gini. n. 1. A supernatural creature who does one's bidding when summoned. 2. A jinni. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Editi
The empirical Gini curves converge to the predicted one when the number of people without income decreases. Asymptotically, the empirical curves should collapse to the theoretical one when all the working age population obtains an appropriate definition of income. Therefore the model Gini coefficient ...
Define Coefficiency. Coefficiency synonyms, Coefficiency pronunciation, Coefficiency translation, English dictionary definition of Coefficiency. n. 1. Joint efficiency; coöperation. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Me
Gini coefficient, or translation Gini coefficient, which is at the beginning of the 20th century Italian economist, Dr. Lorenz curve based on labor as defined by the fair distribution of income levels determine the indicators. It is ratio value, between 0 and 1 and is used to research on th...
Gini coefficient is used to describe overall gap between income levels of key indicators. It is generally accepted that international when it is in 0.3 - 0.4 is much more reasonable that income distribution, and 0.4 - 0.5 for income gap is too wide, more than 0.5 means the polarization. Fro...
我国恩格尔系数的下降与基尼系数的上升(The decline of Engel coefficient and the rise of Gini coefficient in China) 我国恩格尔系数的下降与基尼系数的上升(The decline of Engel coefficient and the rise of Gini coefficient in China) The decline of Engel coefficient and the rise of Gini coefficient in ...
Decomposition of the Gini coefficient using Stata Alejandro López-Feldman Universidad de Guanajuato (Moving to CIDE in June) Motivation •The Gini coefficient is widely used to measure inequality in the distribution of income, wealth, expenditures, etc. •By decomposing this measure you can better...
Gini现象 The Gini coefficient was unceasingly intensified in the 1980s. 就我对全文的理解,应该是贫富差距的一种专有名词,但不知道如果翻译为汉语该是什么呢? 答案 基尼系数(Gini Coefficient) 相关推荐 1 Gini现象 The Gini coefficient was unceasingly intensified in the 1980s. 就我对全文的理解,应该是贫...
The Gini coefficient基尼系数is a measure of statistical dispersion developed by the Italian statistician Corrado Gini and published in his 1912 paper "Variability and Mutability". It is commonly used as a measure of inequality of ___. It has, however, also found application in the study of ine...
The Gini coefficient is equal to the area below the line of perfect equality (0.5 by definition) minus the area below the Lorenz curve, divided by the area below the line of perfect equality. In other words, it is double the area between the Lorenz curve and the line of perfect equality...