Define frees. frees synonyms, frees pronunciation, frees translation, English dictionary definition of frees. allows; lets loose: He frees the animal from the trap. Not to be confused with: freeze – to chill, congeal, or become ice: freeze the leftovers
Introduction from the Compiler: On assembling the memoirs of a literary movement. Section B: The history of Post-Historic Art. Section C: Timelessness versus irrelevance. Search The Definition of Freeform Fiction: A compilation by Samson Manoah. Preamble. Section A: An overemphasis on the importa...
Define unfree. unfree synonyms, unfree pronunciation, unfree translation, English dictionary definition of unfree. adj not free vb to remove freedom from Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishe
Word of the Day ? wring Definition: (verb) To clasp and twist or squeeze (one's hands), as in distress. Synonyms: wrench Usage: And the little princess began to cry capriciously like a suffering child and to wring her little hands even with some affectation. Discuss. Play Daily Gramma...
Definition:(noun)An encroachment, as of a right or privilege. Synonyms:violation Usage:Before I could prove to them that this proceeding was a gross infringement on the liberties of the British subject, I found myself lodged within the walls of a prison.Discuss.Play ...
Definition:(noun)A collection of objects laid on top of each other. Synonyms:cumulation,heap,pile,cumulus,agglomerate Usage:At one point upon the bosom of the Thames there rises a few feet above the water a single, disintegrating mound of masonry.Discuss.Play ...
Related to FREE:Free proxy AcronymDefinition FREEFederal Resources for Educational Excellence FREEFreestyle(swimming) FREEFoundation for Research on Economics and the Environment FREEForum for Responsible and Ethical E-Mail FREEFriends of Refugees of Eastern Europe ...
Definition:(adjective)Disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge. Synonyms:revengeful,vindictive Usage:The murderer believed he was being haunted by the vengeful ghost of his victim.Discuss.Play Daily Grammar Lesson ? Identifying Adverbial Complements ...
Word of the Day ? solace Definition:(verb)To give comfort or cheer to (a person) in time of sorrow or distress. Synonyms:comfort,console,soothe Usage:I grieved quietly and solaced myself with the knowledge that she was in a better place.Discuss.Play ...
Word of the Day ? pensive Definition:(adjective)Deeply or seriously thoughtful. Synonyms:contemplative,meditative,musing,pondering,reflective,ruminative,brooding,broody Usage:Emma's pensive meditations, as she walked home, were not interrupted; but on entering the parlor, she found those who must rouse...