Define evolves. evolves synonyms, evolves pronunciation, evolves translation, English dictionary definition of evolves. v. e·volved , e·volv·ing , e·volves v. tr. 1. a. To develop or achieve gradually: evolve a style of one's own. b. To work out; dev
evolve into sth Over the past threeyearshe has evolved into one of America's mostsuccessfulrestaurantowners. evolve from sth Manyinvestmentmanagementcompanieshave evolved fromsmallentrepreneurialorganizations. We must evolve newstrategiestocopewithchangingmarkets. (Definition ofevolvefrom theCambridge Business ...
Define evolvere. evolvere synonyms, evolvere pronunciation, evolvere translation, English dictionary definition of evolvere. v. e·volved , e·volv·ing , e·volves v. tr. 1. a. To develop or achieve gradually: evolve a style of one's own. b. To work out
which is the emergence of N self-changing floating unknowns ( Is the transcendence of the known this basis, it is also a transcendence of this existence on the surface of the earth, But also for the unknown ascension), It is completely different from the definition of illiteracy in our ...
Third, provided that the species evolve to a state where they coexist, the final niche overlap and competitive difference values are independent of the system’s initial state, although they do depend on the model’s parameters. The model suggests that evolution is often a destructive force for...
The term ‘virulence’ has different meanings depending on context, can be assessed in a variety of ways and is often only an operational measure1. To be as general as possible, we assume a simple working definition of virulence: the harm caused by pathogen infection, particularly in terms of...
1月11日,橡树资本创始人霍华德·马克斯发表了最新一篇备忘录,名为《Something of Value》,他在备忘录中提到,目前市场上涨幅较高的科技公司具有领先的地位和惊人的涨幅,而且它们的市值很大,主导了标普500等指数,这都使得它们成为许多EFT的重要基石,同时这意味着,只要这些优势不发生改变,领先的科技公司将继续吸引EFT资金...
this was just the best option for me and it gave me the confidence to enter a gym and try my best as the guides on there are so informative. My mental mind set has transformed and it has also got me to gain muscle (and finally see ab definition!!!) which has always been my WHY...
Define EVOS. EVOS synonyms, EVOS pronunciation, EVOS translation, English dictionary definition of EVOS. n Austral an informal word for evening Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1
Define volve. volve synonyms, volve pronunciation, volve translation, English dictionary definition of volve. vb 1. obsolete to flip the pages of 2. to ponder or mull over vb obsolete to turn over Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12