Define era. era synonyms, era pronunciation, era translation, English dictionary definition of era. abbr. 1. earned run average 2. Equal Rights Amendment n. 1. A period of time as reckoned from a specific date serving as the basis of its chronological...
Define eradicates. eradicates synonyms, eradicates pronunciation, eradicates translation, English dictionary definition of eradicates. tr.v. e·rad·i·cat·ed , e·rad·i·cat·ing , e·rad·i·cates 1. To tear up by the roots: "They loosened the soil a
the growth of the tumors was measured, and the volumes were determined using the formula 1/2 × length × width2. The definition of the ethical endpoint was the time point when the dimension of a tumor was 1.5 cm or more on any side. After dissection, the tumors were formali...
bringing the worst carnage that has ever been on the earth - to America, and to the rest of the world. The Communists, a group dominated by the Zionist Jews, claim they will bring peace to the world. But their definition of “peace” is - the elimination of all resistance to their po...
Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is a subtype of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) of mature B-cells characterized by translocation, which is typically due to excess expression of Cyclin D1. Although with the progress in our knowledge of the causes for MCL and availa
The definition of what evidence is and how much of it is enough also continues to be debated with researchers and academics expressing preference for peer-reviewed research [11]. However, some researchers have stated that, in the case of developing countries, evidence is much broader, consisting...
The World Food Summit of 1996 has given a complete and precise definition of what food security means, to wit: Food security “exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for...
My definition of "pacifist" is simple: "One who obeys the commands of the executed Christ."But for some church-goers, "pacifism" is a bad word. As bad as "anarchism." I've heard "pacifism" called "impractical," "unrealistic," "utopian," "perfectionist," "heretical," and "pagan."...
Globalization is one of the most discussed concepts across the disciplines but still remains elusive and confounded. In this respect, the debate taking place in the literature on globalization is two-pronged as the definition of the meaning of globalization is still not consensual and i...
Define eradicant. eradicant synonyms, eradicant pronunciation, eradicant translation, English dictionary definition of eradicant. n something that eradicates adj relating to something that eradicates Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged,