Define demography. demography synonyms, demography pronunciation, demography translation, English dictionary definition of demography. n. The study of the characteristics of human populations, such as size, growth, density, distribution, and vital statis
Define demographic. demographic synonyms, demographic pronunciation, demographic translation, English dictionary definition of demographic. adj. also dem·o·graph·i·cal Of or relating to demography. n. A portion of a population, especially considered
It is adopted a general definition, concidered as a nucleus of the difinding. In accordance with supplemented aspects to this nucleus concerning the population study, six groups of definitions are pointed out. The fallowing definition is suggested and justified: The subject of the demography is ...
The definition of MCI was in accordance with the criteria proposed by Jak and Bondi in 2014 [22], which met any one of the following three conditions and failed to meet the criteria for dementia: (1) having impaired scores (defined as >1 SD below the age/education-corrected normative ...
Among American novelists of the latter half of the 20th century, Saul Bellow stands out as one of the greatest giants. He is often regarded as the writer of parallel importance as William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, F.Scott Fitzgerald et al., and more importantly, one of the founders of co...
ial Politics: Insights and L’vidence. N.Y.; 1968. pp. 204ff. Ihe massive study by Lewis F. Richardson in his Statistics of Dead4i’ Quarrels shows even by the widest definition of “economic” only 29i. of wars since 1820 had any economic causes (Pacific...
(see Methods for the definition of coancestry). In order to visualise the bulk of the variation, values equal to or above the 90th percentile (7.7 cM) are coloured black. The tree is as shown in Fig.1a, and the horizontal black lines demarcate the clusters at the lower level of ...
Solskifte: The Definition of a Confused Concept. in Fields, Farms and Settlement in Europe (eds. Buchanan, R. H., Butlin, R. A. & McCourt, D.) 22–37 (Cultra Manor, 1976). Helmfrid, S. Östergötland ‘vastanstang’: Studien über die altere Agrarlandschaft und ihre Genese. ...
Define demolitions. demolitions synonyms, demolitions pronunciation, demolitions translation, English dictionary definition of demolitions. n. 1. The act or process of wrecking or destroying, especially destruction by explosives. 2. demolitions Explosive
Define Demolision. Demolision synonyms, Demolision pronunciation, Demolision translation, English dictionary definition of Demolision. n. 1. The act or process of wrecking or destroying, especially destruction by explosives. 2. demolitions Explosives, es