Define crystallization. crystallization synonyms, crystallization pronunciation, crystallization translation, English dictionary definition of crystallization. also crys·tal·ize v. crys·tal·lized , crys·tal·liz·ing , crys·tal·liz·es also crys·
Define crystallisation. crystallisation synonyms, crystallisation pronunciation, crystallisation translation, English dictionary definition of crystallisation. Noun 1. crystallisation - the formation of crystals crystallization, crystallizing chemical ph
—crystallization /ˌkrɪstəlaɪˈzeɪʃən $ -lə-/ noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscrystallize• So crystallize a substance once: there will soon be microscopic traces of it everywhere about your laboratory.• Quartz, on the other hand, is the...
—crystallization/ˌkrɪstəlaɪˈzeɪʃən$-lə-/noun[uncountable]→ SeeVerb tableExamples from the Corpuscrystallize•Socrystallizeasubstanceonce: there will soon bemicroscopictracesof it everywhere about yourlaboratory.•Quartz, on the other hand, is the moststableandcrystallize...
To gain insight in the molecular basis of this specific interaction, the SMN Tudor domain has been crystallized. The rapid crystallization of the protein and the high stability of the crystals is facilitated by redefinition of domain boundaries based on NMR relaxation experiments and the previously ...
[D] he uses simile to express his complex definition of the idea of simile 5. Why the author thinks the question Ashbery raised is a tougher one for a poet than we might think? [A] Because as a matter of fact Ashbery is most focused on tough matters. [B] Because Ashbery turns...
casting. This consists in heating up the lunar material inside a mold until the regolith is melted and then, cooling it down to obtain a fully dense sample. The composition of the lunar simulant and the cooling process followed, play a role on the degree of crystallization of the samples ...
For the crystallinity definition considered here this parameter set consists of the thresholds for the next-neighbour distance, the strength of the crystalline bonds and the number of crystalline connections. The optimum parameter set found by the likelihood maximisation differs considerably from the ...
Define crystallised. crystallised synonyms, crystallised pronunciation, crystallised translation, English dictionary definition of crystallised. Adj. 1. crystallised - having become fixed and definite in form; "distinguish between crystallized and uncrys
Define Crystal Systems. Crystal Systems synonyms, Crystal Systems pronunciation, Crystal Systems translation, English dictionary definition of Crystal Systems. n crystallog any of six, or sometimes seven, classifications of crystals depending on their sy