CRM概念,不再向更久前追溯,我们从1999年Gartner Group公司正式提出CRM概念讲起。CRM,Customer Relationship Management:CRM是一种商业策略,CRM按照客户的分类情况有效的组织企业资源,培养以客户为中心的经营行为已经实施以客户为中心的业务流程,并以此为手段来提高企业的赢利能力、利润以及客户满意度。 CRM的概念是什么?CR...
若您对CRM数字化感兴趣,想和更多对企业CRM数字化的感兴趣的同道者们进行交流,也可关注第五届华东CIO大会&2023中国数字化转型展,搜索栏输入:华东CIO大会,即可了解报名和参会详情! 翻译: What is the definition of a CRM system? What is the role of CRM system? What is the definition of a CRM system?
Define CRMD. CRMD synonyms, CRMD pronunciation, CRMD translation, English dictionary definition of CRMD. a crafty scheme; gadget; design; ruse: His friendliness was only a device to gain your trust. Not to be confused with: devise – contrive, plan, or..
化工行业CRM社会化客户关系管理软件的定义:精化工行业CRM软件是一套专注化工行业的CRM软件,以客户为中心,通过信息化技术,加强业务员与客户的沟通与交流,不断了解顾客需求,并不断对产品及服务进行改进和提高,以满足顾客的需求的连续的过程。 化工行业CRM社会化客户关系管理软件的特点是什么? 化工行业CRM社会化客户关系管...
In addition, this unified definition of CRM could enhance the successful adoption and implementation of CRM.Khalid RababahHaslina MohdHuda IbrahimAcademic Research InternationalRababah, K., Mohd, H., & Ibrahim, H. (2011). A unified definition of CRM towards the successful adoption and implementation...
Project Definition It goes without saying that developing a CRM project requires the collaboration of many important customers and contractors. Typically, a dedicated team or group is formed to establish the goal and parameters. A paper outlining the terms of reference is typically the result of suc...
Define e-CRM. e-CRM synonyms, e-CRM pronunciation, e-CRM translation, English dictionary definition of e-CRM. n 1. customer relationship management carried out on the internet 2. customer relationship management carried out on the internet Collins Englis
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) has been regarded as a new line in the software industry. What exactly is the definition of it? The industry highly values the formulation of Gartner, which is now plated into the following: This is a business strategy, which is used to organize enterpris...
Businesses that don’t adopt a CRM are likely to store their sales-related data in separate places, like spreadsheets. When they need to use it, they must manually pull and gather it. This is prone to errors and demands a lot of time and effort. ...
What is a CRM? While the emergence of companies like GoldMine broadened the targets of CRM to include prospective customers as well as existing ones, the definition of CRM is still unclear, even to the experts. “CRM is such a vague, all-encompassing term. What isn’t customer relationship...