Define credent. credent synonyms, credent pronunciation, credent translation, English dictionary definition of credent. adj obsolete believing or believable Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publi
Define credentialism. credentialism synonyms, credentialism pronunciation, credentialism translation, English dictionary definition of credentialism. n. Overemphasis on diplomas or degrees in giving jobs or conferring social status. American Heritage®
Another possibility for scoring would be to actually have the player choosing between bets in some way, explicitly or implicitly, as in thedefinition of credence, and award points based on randomized bet outcomes. But this would add an extra source of variance to the player’s score (in addit...
Vance's oeuvre may superficially be divided between "fantasies" like The Dying Earth and The Eyes of the Overworld in which the texture of reality is interwoven with magic, and works like The Dragon Masters, which justify every conceivable technical definition of "science fiction." I say ...
As the first bottleneck at the entrance to the high end of the art market, the respective people and institutions can dominate the definition and selection of con- temporary art. This would have an impact on the downstream market. The num- ber of intermediaries would presumably shrink as the...
If we put the problemfurther back, and ask what determines whether a challenge will or will not bemet, the answer is that this depends upon the presence or absence of initiativeand of creative individuals with clarit...
credence Credential Management credentialism Credentials Committee Credit Credit and Monetary Crisis Credit Blockade credit card drive credit card security Credit Discrimination Crédit Du Nord Credit interpretation ruling Crédit Lyonnais Crédit Mobilier
7 Pairs of Commonly Confused Words What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins ...
as the list as such is not imperative to appear in court as an expert.59 Even though Regulation 44 provides an invaluable safeguard as to the quality of experts at the ICC, it does not promulgate much clarity as to what actually defines an expert witness.60 Even the definition of an expe...
Define creche. creche synonyms, creche pronunciation, creche translation, English dictionary definition of creche. n. 1. A representation of the Nativity, usually with statues or figurines. 2. A hospital for foundlings. 3. Chiefly British A day nursery.