Define buoyancy. buoyancy synonyms, buoyancy pronunciation, buoyancy translation, English dictionary definition of buoyancy. n. 1. a. The tendency or capacity to remain afloat in a liquid or rise in air or gas. b. The upward force that a fluid exerts on
Define buoyance. buoyance synonyms, buoyance pronunciation, buoyance translation, English dictionary definition of buoyance. n. Buoyancy. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Har
What is the definition of bouyancy?
• The air's buoyancy and the sun's ray Are of advantage to me.• A few other sectors have some buoyancy.• There is not much temperature-produced density contrast at a given level; thus this does not much affect the buoyancy force.• the buoyancy of light wood• Six-year-old...
The Boussinesq approximation is valid only when . To avoid potential round-off errors in the calculation of the buoyancy term, , the pressure and buoyancy terms on the right-hand side of the Navier-Stokes equations, , are often rewritten as , with , where represents the elevation....
From the definition of the dot product, we know that we can find the projection of a vector r onto a unit vector by computing the dot product of r and . The dot product is a projection operator for vectors that maps a vector r onto its component in the direction of . We ca...
buoyancymethod buoyant center buoyant energy buoyant lift buoyant load buoying bupleurum chinense bupleurum chinense f bupleurum linn bupleurum scorzonerif bur balancing cylinde bur gherkin bur mounting and remo bur oak burak electronics burak yilmaz burak burden charge burdick burdick lamp burdock root ext...
bro-way dh-30 broad - shouldered broad and long broad bean flower rot broad definition of m broad image broad in the beam broad leaves ripping broad on the bow broad scotch broad water brush broad-band value-adde broad-gauge broadband conveyance broadband dcs b-dcs broadband network acc broa...
Define bur. bur synonyms, bur pronunciation, bur translation, English dictionary definition of bur. also burr n. 1. a. A rough prickly husk or covering surrounding the seeds or fruits of plants such as the chestnut or the burdock. b. A plant producing su
Define rag. rag synonyms, rag pronunciation, rag translation, English dictionary definition of rag. n. 1. a. A scrap of cloth. b. A piece of cloth used for cleaning, washing, or dusting. 2. rags Threadbare or tattered clothing. 3. Cloth converted to pulp