1The best definition of "biosphere". as it is used in the text is. A.the protective envelope formed by the atmosphere around the living earthB.that part of the earth and its atmosphere in which life can existC.the living things on earth whose existence is made possible by circulation of...
Define biospheres. biospheres synonyms, biospheres pronunciation, biospheres translation, English dictionary definition of biospheres. n. 1. The part of the earth and its atmosphere in which living organisms exist or that is capable of supporting life. 2
The best definition of "biosphere". as it is used in the text is. A.the protective envelope formed by the atmosphere around the living earthB.that part of the earth and its atmosphere in which life can existC.the living things on earth whose existence is made possible by circulation of ...
The best definition of "biosphere" as it is used in the text is ___. A.the protective envelope formed by the atmosphere around the living earthB.part of the earth and its atmosphere in which life can existC.the living things on earth whose existence is made possible by circulation of t...
Define Biosopher. Biosopher synonyms, Biosopher pronunciation, Biosopher translation, English dictionary definition of Biosopher. a mode of life based on intuition and self-education in order to improve one’s character. — biosophist, n. See also: Self
remained unchanged even when considering defense systems (instead of genes) as the main counting unit in the definition of defense islands (see Methods) (Supplementary Fig.8dand Supplementary Data11b). Since MGEs have different distribution patterns, we quantified the frequency of colocalization of ...
biosphere in the Biology topic by Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE | What you need to know about Biology: words, phrases and expressions | Biology
Define biosurgery. biosurgery synonyms, biosurgery pronunciation, biosurgery translation, English dictionary definition of biosurgery. n the use of live sterile maggots to treat patients with infected wounds Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Una
Define biologies. biologies synonyms, biologies pronunciation, biologies translation, English dictionary definition of biologies. n. 1. The science of life and of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distr
Since the annual range of precipitation (in mm d−1) is adopted to define monsoon domains, δ can to large extent reflect the intensity of monsoon. According to the definition, a large (small) δ means active (inactive) monsoon. Figure 3 presents its temporal variation along with ...