Define because. because synonyms, because pronunciation, because translation, English dictionary definition of because. conj. For the reason that; since. Usage Note: A traditional rule holds that the construction the reason is because is redundant, and s
Define because of. because of synonyms, because of pronunciation, because of translation, English dictionary definition of because of. prep. On account of; by reason of. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright
We're guessing that at some point in your grammar-school days, you were told that using the phrase "thereasonis because" was redundant. And, by a certain look at the definition, it is. But we're here to say that you shouldn't be scolded for or feel any qualms about using the phra...
aBecause the specifics of definition can matter a great deal, in practice, to measured levels and trends, comparisons of inequality are often complex and occasionally ambiguous. 由于定义具体可能非常,实践上事关,到被测量的水平和趋向,不平等比较经常是复合体和偶尔地模棱两可的。[translate]...
A 选项 depiction (描写,叙述)符合语义要求;B 选项 distribution(分布,分配),C 选项 prediction(预言,预测),D 选项 definition(定义)带入空格后,语义不通顺,均排除。故正确答案为 A 选项 depiction。 7、【答案】[D] due to 【解析】此处考察短语辨析。空格所在句的句意:需要大约三周到一个月的时间来发现...
on either side of the doors of the first three buildings of the Forbidden City. Because of this, later generations referred to Gija as “Jizi”, and he accordingly became China’s first “zi”. 从“箕子”开始,相继涌现出孔子、孟子、老子、庄子、墨子、荀子、管子、鬼谷子、吴子、孙子、淮南子、...
The definition of Power is not financial success, status or influence over others, but the degree to which we have control over our own lives. Subscribing to the soul-mate mythology necessitates that we recognize powerlessness in this arena of our lives. Better I think it would be to foster...
Patriotism Before this assignment I never really stopped and thought about what the definition of patriotism was or what it means to me. Patriotism in itself has a different meaning and definition to everyone, but does it really? Just because some people show it more than others, does that ....
Virtue,by definition,is the moral excellence of a person.Morally excellent people have a character made up of virtues valued as good.They are honest,respectful,courageous,forgiving and kind,for example.They do the right thing,and don't bend to impulses,urges or desires,but act according to ...
The meaning of FOR THE SIMPLE REASON THAT is because. How to use for the simple reason that in a sentence.