Define amiable. amiable synonyms, amiable pronunciation, amiable translation, English dictionary definition of amiable. friendly and pleasant in temperament: She is an amiable hostess. Not to be confused with: amicable – characterized by showing goodwil
Define ami. ami synonyms, ami pronunciation, ami translation, English dictionary definition of ami. n a male friend Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006,
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What doesamiablemean? When a person is friendly or sociable, they are considered anamiableperson. The concise definition of the adjectiveamiablemeans “having or showing pleasant, good-natured personal qualities; affable.” For instance:Her son had such a cheery and amiable disposition, it was har...
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2.1 The Definition of Identity Identity, one of the important concepts of the western culture, mainly means the acceptance of individuality and the specific social culture. It comprises the Individual Identity, Collective Identity, Self Identity and Social Identity. In a broader sense, Identity is ...
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It wasthe tallestmountain, andthe enormoustask of climbing it lay ahead. The Ultimate List of Adjectives Starting With A We’ve added a simple definition and examples for the most popular choices of adjectives beginning with A, so you can be sure you’re using them correctly in your writing...
the negative associations aside (and, believe me, the list is nearly endless... it's trendiness is only the surface of the quandary), I think that Mason has an amiable, warm sound to it. It handsome and durable, but simultaneously young, peripheral, and childlike (which, in my ...
•Thousands ofworkersin thebuildingindustry willlosetheir jobs as aresultofcutbacks.•They made adocumentaryon thebuildingof theStateCapitol.•Hergoalprovedto be a tall,thinbuilding,leaninglike anamiabledrunk,supportedby itsneighbours.•It was theinventionofpre-stressedconcretethat reallytransformed...