Define polygon. polygon synonyms, polygon pronunciation, polygon translation, English dictionary definition of polygon. polygon regular and irregular polygons n. A closed plane figure bounded by three or more line segments. po·lyg′o·nal adj. po·lyg′
Define Polygony. Polygony synonyms, Polygony pronunciation, Polygony translation, English dictionary definition of Polygony. n. 1. Any plant of the genus Polygonum. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co
What are the properties of a polygon?The properties of a polygon include: having straight sides and angles, being either regular or irregular in shape, and having three or more sides.What is the basic definition of area?The basic definition of area is the measure of two-dimensional space ...
What is the definition of polygon? What kind of angles does a hexagon have? (a) What are the various types of triangles? (b) How are they distinguished? What is the name of a 16-sided polygon? What is the name for a 30-sided polygon?
State Key Laboratory of CAD&CG中国科学Liang Y. A new definition and calculation for t he average normal to a polygon. Science in China ( Series E) , 2000 , 43 (5) : 519~ 523 (梁友栋. 多边形平均法向的新定义和计算. 中国科学 ( E 辑) , 2000 , 30 (5) : 448~452)Youdong, L....
A polygon by definition is any geometric shape that is enclosed by a number of straight sides, and a polygon is considered regular if each side is equal in length. Polygons are classified by their number of sides. For example, a six-sided polygon is a hexagon, and a three-sided one is...
• The separate polygons showing the hydrological, biological and water quality parameters of Lake Tahoe should be capable of being overlaid.• The error can spread over the polygon by altering the positions of the boundary points appropriately....
Another part of these differences is due to typical implementation issues, such as alternative methods for handling tolerances. Based on these experiences we propose an unambiguous definition for polygons, which makes polygons again the stable foundation it is supposed to be in spatial modelling and...
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Define frequency polygon. frequency polygon synonyms, frequency polygon pronunciation, frequency polygon translation, English dictionary definition of frequency polygon. n. pl. fre·quen·cies 1. The property or condition of occurring at frequent interva