Define bushfire. bushfire synonyms, bushfire pronunciation, bushfire translation, English dictionary definition of bushfire. n an uncontrolled fire in the bush; a scrub or forest fire Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 20
Define bushcraft. bushcraft synonyms, bushcraft pronunciation, bushcraft translation, English dictionary definition of bushcraft. n Austral and NZ ability and experience in matters concerned with living in the bush Collins English Dictionary – Complete
If a building element is load bearing then it must have a structural adequacy component to the FRL. The definition of ‘loadbearing’ according to the BCA is ‘Intended to resist vertical forces additional to those due to its own weight’. Therefore walls such as those holding up a floor o...
However, to date, much of the focus of the research and bushfire community education is on physical preparedness, leaving much confusion about what it means to be psychologically prepared. This is in part due to the lack of a well-accepted operational definition and measure of bushfire ...
“By definition, we don’t know what could happen if large populations are exposed to unprecedented heat and humidity stress,” Vargas Zeppetello told CNN, “but heat waves in the past few decades have already been extremely deadly and there is serious cause for concern in the future.” ...
Fire regime: history and definition of a key concept in disturbance ecology. Theory Biosci. 129, 53–69 (2010). Google Scholar Keeley, J. E. & Fotheringham, C. Role of fire in regeneration from seed. Seeds 2, 311–330 (2000). Google Scholar Noble, I. R. & Slatyer, R. O. ...
Environmental planning and management of the peri-urban interface: perspectives on an emerging field Although there is no consensus on the definition of the peri-urban interface, there is growing recognition among development professionals and institutions... Adriana,Allen - 《Environment & Urbanization...
Impact of bushfires on seabird breeding islands in southwest Australia: a case study for developing a community-based model in adaptive management and severity of bushfires on seabird breeding islands in Western Australia, regarding the 2020 fire on Figure of Eight Island in the Recherche ...
Define bushel. bushel synonyms, bushel pronunciation, bushel translation, English dictionary definition of bushel. n. 1. Abbr. bu. a. A unit of volume or capacity in the US Customary System, used in dry measure and equal to 4 pecks, 2,150.42 cubic inches
Define bushed. bushed synonyms, bushed pronunciation, bushed translation, English dictionary definition of bushed. adj. Informal Extremely tired; exhausted: "I once stayed awake seven years on end. Not even a nap. Boy, was I bushed" . American Heritage