(2014). The deepwater horizon explosion: Non- technical skills, safety culture, and system complexity. Journal of Risk Research, 17, 405-424.Reader, T., & O'Connor, P. (2014) The Deepwater Horizon explosion: nontechnical skills, safety culture, and system complexity. Journal of Risk ...
The Deepwater Horizon explosion (April 20, 2010) and subsequent oil spill contaminated hundreds of miles of Gulf Coast wetlands. It was expected that this influx of organic matter would serve as an electron donor to the system, thereby increasing biogeochemical activity and causing metals, as ...
美国纪录片《严重无视The Great Invisible 2014》 On April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. It killed 11 workers and caused the worst oil spill in American history. The explosion still haunts the lives of those most intimately affected, though the story ...
Last week, the White House asked Bea to help analyze the Deepwater Horizon accident. Bea investigated the Columbia Space Shuttle disaster for NASA and the Hurricane Katrina disaster for the National Science Foundation. Bea's voice never completely recovered from the weeks he spent in the flood in...
The spill drove a push in science and some changes in regulations, but the dangers of offshore drilling remain.
Professor Robert Bea, University of California-Berkeley professor and consultant to the White House commission that investigated the Deepwater Horizon explosion said: “The available documents do not provide sufficient information to determine if BP has properly assessed the risks with particul...
theDeepwaterHorizonexplosionwillcostthe companythatownsthewellbillionsofdollars. Thereisnoeasywaytoremoveoilfromthe environmentonceit’sbeenspilled.Authorities usedavarietyofmethodstodealwiththe damagefromthespill. MethodsofCleaningUpOilSpills Absorption:Specialtowelsareusedtoabsorb oilthatiscoatingsandandothermater...
1). Eleven people died as a result of the Deepwater Horizon explosion, and over the next three months, an estimated 4 million barrels of oil leaked into the Gulf of Mexico1. This human and environmental catastrophe brought to the fore of public consciousness the extraordinary complexity and ...
The explosion on BP’s Deepwater Horizon rig on 20 April 2010 caused the biggest oil spill in US history. Four million barrels of oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico, harming huge numbers of sea birds and damaging coastlines for hundreds of miles. ...
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill What can be done to stop the risk of oil spills in our oceans? Habitat Destruction How are ocean habitats put at risk of destruction by oil and gas drilling? What is being done to stop habitat destruction? What can I do to help reduce the impact of off...