Jade: I mean, I know you want to believe that she's gonna come around, but you have to know, deep down, there's no way she's ever gonna get on board with the idea of you using.我知道你想相信她会回心转意,但你得明白,她永远不可能同意你吸毒。come around:回心转意,转而接受柯林斯...
384. to dig in deep: 刨根问底/寻本求源/追根溯源 385. to be up to speed: 了如指掌/尽在掌握/洞若观火 386. to live on borrowed time: 苟延残喘/时日无多 387. to go off the rails: 恣意妄为/肆无忌惮/胡作非为 388. to put one's foot down: 意志坚定/百折不挠 389. to overplay ...
Ki-Woo and Ki-Jung both take a deep breath in front of the gate. Ki-Jung looks like a completely new person with short, stylish hair and makeup. Ki-Woo is about to ring the doorbell when Ki-Jung stops him. She suddenly starts clapping a beat with her hands. KI-JUNG (singing) ...
页数:132 ISBN:9781609570026 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 Understanding the Deep Thoughts of God的创作者· ··· Marie F·Exil作者 我要写书评 Understanding the Deep Thoughts of God的书评 ···(全部 0 条) + 加入购书单...
20、All things are difficult before they are easy, and every science. 万事开头难,每门科学都是如此。 21、Life is like a sea, only the strong will of people, to reach the other shore. 生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强的人,才能到达彼岸。
But he said to me: "I will not bring him to thee. But there shall come to me another demon called Ephippas. Him will I bind, and he will bring him up from the deep unto me." And I said to him: "How comes thy son to be in the depth of the sea, and what is his name?
Take a journey of the heart and experience God’s love that is: Sowideit includes everyone who believes in his Son Solongit extends into eternity Sohighit reaches as far as the heavens are above the earth Sodeephe chose to send his Son to die in our place[1] ...
【头 衔】塑世者The World-Shaper(阿斯格拉斯),暗影吞噬者Swallower of Shades,诸神之主Lord of the Gods,九面龙神the Ninefold Dragon,森罗谐和之龙the Concordant Dragon,永恒巨轮the Great Eternal Wheel,一切诸龙之造主the Creator of all dragonkind,沉眠深龙之父father of the Sleeping Deep Dragons ...
From then on, every year during the Awakening of Insects, the Spring God would wake up the earth, the Thunder God would strike the big drum in the sky, all things would come back to life, and people would start the work of the new year, welcoming the beautiful spring.文化背景知识 惊蛰...
seeing he could not break free, the gods attached the bond to a rock and drove it deep into the earth, making it a festarhæll, fastening-pin (Edda, Gylfaginning 34). Thus, festr mun slitna (the cord shall tear) in the “Völuspá” could have meant that the fastening shall ...