Also ranks #2 on The Best Period Movies Set in the '80s 23 Boys Don't Cry Hilary Swank, Chloë Sevigny, Peter Sarsgaard 992 votes This harrowing drama tells the real-life story of trans man Brandon Teena, who faced unimaginable violence and prejudice while pursuing a life true to himself...
The Deep: Directed by Peter Yates. With Jacqueline Bisset, Nick Nolte, Dick Anthony Williams, Robert Shaw. In Bermuda, two amateur treasure-hunting divers have a run-in with local criminals when they inadvertently discover the secret cargo of a World War
On his long walks the most striking thing in Michael's eyes was the magnificent beauty of the country; he walked through the orange orchards that formed shady deep caverns through the countryside with their ancient conduits splashing water out of the fanged mouths of great snake stones carved be...
The finale wrapped up with the Boys fighting Homelander (Antony Starr) and Soldier Boy (Jensen Ackles); Homelander killing Black Noir; the Deep (Chace Crawford) mounting a political assassination; Starlight (Erin Moriarty) joining the Boys and getting some new powers; Butcher (Karl Urban) learni...
The Instant White-Hot Wild: Directed by Sarah Boyd. With Karl Urban, Jack Quaid, Antony Starr, Erin Moriarty. Calling all patriots! Let's show Homelander we've got his back and we're not going to let Starlight and her House of Horrors get away with traff
台湾对于这个系列的翻译是从前有个xx,比如最近的新片《从前有个好莱坞》,once upon a time in hollywood。 顺便一说,在韩国,讲故事的开头不是“很久很久以前”,而是“当老虎还在抽烟的时代…” 扯远了,完全没想说翻译名称这个事儿。 The boys被誉为反超级英雄的片。其实之前看完片儿就想写一篇来说一下,但是...
With the influence of the Velvet Underground and Yoko Ono filtered through a kitschy sound, the group became the substratum of indie rock in the ’80s; their queerness deep-seated rather than explicated. “It was unspoken but it was out there,” says Cindy Wilson, the B-52’s’ sole ...
The Cabin in the Woods(2011) Scott Gueulette Gnarly The Clown Darkest Hour(2005) Lauren Eng Doxy / Model The Deep Web(2023) Darci McDonald Doxy / Youtuber Nowhere Boys(2013) Amy Goodmurphy Courtney The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers(2021) ...
“The shrub that was there died and I removed it and realised there was a huge stone in the ground under where it had been growing. That’s probably why the shrub died; nowhere for the roots to get down deep and so no water in summer weather,” she explained. “So I need you to...
Fury from the Deep was the sixth and penultimate serial of season 5 of Doctor Who. It was the last regular appearance of Deborah Watling as Victoria Waterfield and concluded her overarching story arc by ostensibly giving her foster parents to replace the