Spike Lee’s first movie under his new Netflix deal is a modern masterpiece. Simultaneously about the stasis of the movement for Black justice and the enduring villainy of the Vietnam War,Da 5 Bloodsbounces between eras to illuminate how little has changed in 40 years. The film follows four...
When young Hotaru Takegawa gets lost in the enchanted forest near her grandfather's house, she meets a mysterious spirit called Gin, who promises to help her find her way home. Despite Gin's warning that he will disappear forever if touched by a human, their friendship blossoms over the ...
The Lighthouse Year: 2019Runtime: 1h 50mDirector: Robert Eggers Is this the best COVID lockdown movie? Sure, it came out the year before, but a lot of people watched it on streaming while they were going crazy with people with whom they were stuck. Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe ...
Here we gathered the best horror movies of the world. They are sorted by rating. This top 50 horror list was created with All My Movies program. If you want to sort this movie list by title or check the movies you already seen, you can download All My Movies, open the collection and...
日推歌单:“洗茶的嗓音真的可以让耳朵怀孕💗”|《After the Afterparty》试听 歌曲来源:https://music.163.com/song?id=437605840&userid=570339947 「Yuki的日推歌单」: https://y.music.163.com/m/playlist?id=8298289437&userid=8434440671&creatorId=8434440671 [侵删]...
Starring Mayra Leal (Machete, TV’s “The Deep End”), Sarah Prikryl (11 Minutes Ago, Stellina Blue), Craig Welbacher (TV’s “Hawthorne,” 11 Minutes Ago), Playing House will be available on DVD for $27.98 Srp.Synopsis:In order to afford their dream house, newlyweds Jen and Mitch ...
Movie Database file for All My Movies Download "best-tvseries-list.amm", 16 MB (If your browser open the file instead of saving to the disk, click the link with your right mouse button and select "Save object as...") So, here is the actual list. These are the best TV Series wit...
What they find in one house when they innocently enter looking for gas is such death and depravity that the movie is still, decades on, a disturbing endurance test. Why it’s scary: The funny - and there is humor here, it’s just not there on the first watch - thing about the ...
Movie While Daisy does not appear in The Super Mario Bros. Movie, her emblem can be seen in the teaser poster on a sign for a stall in front of a store that resembles an aquarium. Additionally, she appears in two pieces of concept art for the film, suggesting she was originally ...
It's a sense of tension that beats most horror games. And once all hell does break loose, you're suddenly thrown into the midst of deep, strategical, brutally unforgiving warfare. Ripe with tactical options and built for "one more go" appeal, this is by far Xbox One’s smartest ...