The Death of the PC Has Not Been Greatly ExaggeratedWorldwide PC shipments saw their biggest drop in nearly two years.WIRED
The PC will be on its last legs within five years, if executives from the mobile platform company Symbian are to be believed. In his keynote speech at the Symbian Smartphone Show in London, the company's chief executive, Nigel Clifford, told delegates that the dawning era of the smart pho...
ZDNet'sEd Bott recently pointed out how -- a decade ago -- people predictedthe death of the PC, only for events to show that the desktop PC was still alive and well. That's true. And the PC will live on for now. But I'd argue that what's under the hood is transforming from a...
Another funny thing that comes up when people talk to me about the death of the PC is the idea that people will be sitting there at their desks tapping out emails on their phones rather than using a PC. Why would anyone do that if they have a perfectly good PC sitting there? For bus...
Death of the PC Greatly Exaggerated?Death of the PC Greatly Exaggerated?Discusses the fate of personal computers (PC). Response to a prediction on the end of the PC industry; Factors to consider before buying devices designed to replace PC.LewisSteven...
een arsenaal aan wapens en wordt onoverwinnelijk. Elke stap die je zet maakt je corrupter. Versterk of negeer dit, maar elke vloek kan dubbele gevolgen hebben. - Een uitdagende roguelike game met een wrede, duistere tempel vol kamers en gangen - Gebruik zwaarden, speren, bogen, gewere...
堕落者之死(Death of the Reprobate)玩家评分 7.8 类型:冒险游戏平台: PC 发售: 2024-11-08(PC) 制作:Joe Richardson发行:Joe Richardson语言:英文 | 其他标签: 点击 中世纪 暗黑 黑色幽默 首页 新闻 攻略 下载 图片 探索一个由甜美的风景、动荡的城镇景观和文艺复兴时期真实绘画的荒谬肖像构建的世界。《被...
《Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider》由屡获殊荣的游戏开发商Arkane® Studios推出,这是好评游戏系列《Dishonored®》的首款独立冒险游戏。化身强大的超能力刺客,扮演恶名昭彰的比莉‧勒克,与恩师多德重聚,完成一场最惊人的暗杀行动。
These games aren't all piping hot out of the oven, but some things get better with age. They're the cream of the crop on PC, either scoring 80%+ in a review, winning one of our GOTY awards. If you just want a damn fine PC game from the past several years, close your eyes and...
Recently, with the death of VPC, the several remaining team members in dev, test, and program management have formed a new team at SVC to focus on some of the code that is shared across all of our apps. VPC:Mac might be dead, but it lives on in the great people that we have ...