038 共读《杀破狼》英文版 Chapter 31.1 The Land of the Dead 42:55 039 共读《杀破狼》英文版 Chapter 31.2 The Land of the Dead 30:52 040 共读《杀破狼》英文版 Chapter 32.1 Linyuan 53:46 041 共读《杀破狼》英文版 Chapter 32.2 Linyuan 30:39 042 共读《杀破狼》英文版 Chapter 33.1 Hints...
I quote, "Find thy self. Know thy self. Destroy thy self." But I'm really worried that if people don't know you, they might end up destroying you. Our much-foreshadowed Stranger saw the future, Ikora. You were dead. Dead because someone you trusted turned on all of us.10...
Hi. I'm sorry, my car is stuck. Can I get a ride? 好的 Okay. “”存在与虚无“沙特着”你往东开去 You know you're going east. 我要去医院 Hospital's this way. 那儿淹大水,死路一条 It's flooded. I mean, it's a dead end. 没办法,我得试一试 Yeah, well, if you don't mind,...
Jeanne Pepper Bernstein: I called Gideon … he asked me if Blaze had ever come home the night before. And I screamed out, "I don't know!" Gideon Bernstein: That's when I just basically just rushed outta the office and came home. Jeanne Pepper Bernstein: We both did. We flew home...
I don't trust you. You made the same promises to Father, didn't you? I won't put myself in one of your humaniform torture dolls until you can prove it's safe. And even then...I don't know. I don't know if I want to be part of your LUCA dream. ...
JORGE DEL PORTILLO: When you were doing this, at this point did you know Tom was dead? JADE JANKS (sighs): I did but I didn't want to know it yet. JORGE DEL PORTILLO: So, you suspected Tom was dead and you're at Scripps Hospital and you don't tell anyone at t...
While we don’t know the circumstances around the teen’s abortion, we do know that conservative prosecutors have a history of lying about these cases or misleading press and the public. When Paxton sued Carpenter last month, for example, he claimed that a woman had “serious complications” ...
Pierre Gosselin over at "No Tricks Zone" is reporting that with a day of its publication, the paper from the German Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research has now been debunked and denounced by German climate scholars, some of whom side with...
You can’t move what you don’t know about. This means cataloging the hardware, software, and services, including external service providers. Know the contracts. Know where data is stored; what format it’s in; where the backups are; what dependencies systems have on each other; and if ...
Don't Wanna Fall in Love Espionage I Want to Be on T.V. Scumbag Tired of Waiting for You Sick of Me Rotting Do Da Da On the Wagon Ha Ha You're Dead American Idiot American Idiot Jesus of Suburbia Holiday / Boulevard Of Broken Dreams ...