Dayak is the name for the native inhabitants of the island of Borneo. The Dayak Tribe uses natural and forest products in plants as traditional medicine for health treatment. This study aims to obtain information about the utilization of medicinal plants in the Dayak Tri...
Related to Dayak people:Dyaks Day·ak (dā′ăk′)orDy·ak(dī′-)·aksalsoDyakorDy·aks 1.A member of any of various Indonesian peoples inhabiting Borneo. 2.The language of the Dayak. [DayakDaya, Dayaq,upcountry (sense uncertain), Dayak.] ...
- In Mekar Raya, a semi-remote pocket of Ketapang district near the west coast of Indonesian Borneo, the local Dayak Simpan Indigenous society are navigating the complex bureaucracy of the state in a bid to gain semi-autonomous control of their customary forest. ...
The Dayak tribes, which number over two hundred, are the indigenous peoples of Borneo. Formerly hunters and gatherers, they lived in isolated longhouses in the once vast forests now diminished by logging. Both the location of their communities and their form of cohabitation protected them from th...
Traditionally savoured during Gawai Dayak, the harvest festival, it’s a culinary experience that connects diners to the rich biodiversity of Sarawak. This dish is widely enjoyed in the Iban-dominated areas of Borneo. Chicken Rice Chicken rice, or Nasi Ayam, is a beloved dish, especially in th...
Dayak n,pl-aksor-ak (Peoples) a member of a Malaysian people of the interior of Borneo: noted for their long houses [from MalayDayakupcountry, fromdaratland] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003,...
The inner regions of Kalimantan are inhabited by numerous peoples, such as the Ngadju, Kayan, Kenjah, Bahau, Kleman-tan, Murut, and Kalabit (about 2 million), who are known by the common name “Dayak.” The Bugi, Makassarese, Toradja, Minahasa, and Mandarans (8.5 million total) liv...
Gooley’s more than two decades of pioneering outdoor experience include research among the Dayak people of Borneo and the Tuareg of the Sahara. With his first book, The Natural Navigator, he started a renaissance in the rare art of reading nature’s clues. Now, in The Lost Art of Reading...
15. Borneo Dayak (Borneo) 16. Bunanditj Aborigine (S. Australia) 17. Butonese (Indonesia) 18. Cham (Vietnam) 19. Chutiya (India) 20. Comorian (Comoro Is.) 21. Devri (India) 22. Donggala (Indonesia) 23. Dusun (Brunei) 24. Ellice Islanders (Ellice Is.) 25. Fijians (Fiji Is...
From the turquoise waters of the South China Sea to the lush jungles of Borneo, adventure is around every corner. Whether you’re looking to plunge into the depths of the ocean or hike through dense rainforests, Sabah has it all!