The Day After Tomorrow 《后天》是一部灾难题材的电影,丹尼斯•奎德 (Dennis Quaid)所饰演的杰克·霍尔认为温室效应正在引发地球的大灾难,北极冰川的融化,会让地球回到冰河世纪那样的劫难。他的提醒并没有引起美国当局的重视,一切都已经太晚:飓风、冰雹、洪水、冰山融化、极度严寒,一系列的地球巨变引发了一场不可...
篇2:The day after tomorrow电影《后天》英文影评 Movie Review of Wedding Banquet The movie Wedding Banquet is a very happy movie.Maybe the theme is all about the culture shock, it really make a lot of fun for us.We all enjoy this movie.Talking to the culture shock, this movie draw us ...
The Day After Tomorrow was a godawful movie, not worthy of any awards. An ice age cannot happen in 3 days - it takes time. This movie was generally 2 hours of my life wasted - and not in a good way. There were a lot of flaws in certain scenes, a lot of cliches - it's amazi...
The Day After Tomorrow is an ice cold movie that doesn't really deserve to be liked at all. The only people who liked it are the people who are interested in the movie. Report Details View All Production CompanyTwentieth Century Fox, Centropolis Entertainment, Lionsgate, Mark Gordon Productions...
The Day After Tomorrow.(Movie Review)(Movie Review)Knox, John (Scottish religious reformer)
The Day After Tomorrow 这篇影评可能有剧透 影片看完有种回到高考的感觉,其实无论是高考还是公务员考试,环境保护都是考点之一,《后天》所提及的就是近几年总是被人关注的话题——温室效应,与其他宣传的温室效应导致海平面上升,全球变暖来说,这部灾难片直戳人的内心,直指最严重的后果——新的冰川时代来临!如果要...
will come like this. It makes for a fun movie, though. Especially the parts where Americans become illegal immigrants in Mexico, and the vice president addresses the world via the Weather Channel. “The Day After Tomorrow” is ridiculous, yes, but sublimely ridiculous — and the special effec...
The film review of “the day after tomorrow”"The Day After Tomorrow" is a disaster movie, but it isn't a disastrous one. It said a story about the world will go into a next Ice Age ,all of these situations are own to the greenhouse effect and global warming continued what the human...
后天thedayaftertomorrow观后感 系统标签: 观后感tomorrowdaydisaster作文strikes英语外语学习语法 Thefilmreviewof“thedayaftertomorrow”"TheDayAfterTomorrow"isadisastermovie,butitisn'tadisastrousone.ItsaidastoryabouttheworldwillgointoanextIceAge,allofthesesituationareowntothegreenhouseeffectandglobalwarmingcontinuedwhat...