the day after tomorrow观后感 这部电影,真的是让我又惊又喜,感触颇多。 影片里展现的那些灾难场景,简直太震撼了!狂风呼啸,暴雪肆虐,整个城市瞬间被冰雪覆盖。说实话,看的时候我心里直发毛,一直在想,如果这一切真的发生在现实生活中,那可咋办呀! 电影中的主角杰克,为了寻找儿子山姆,那股子坚定和勇敢真的让我...
观后感tomorrow后天day电影movie TheDayAfterTomorrow Withtherapiddevelopmentoftheecomomy,theglobalwarmingisbecoming worseandworseandtodateagreatmanymovieshaveshownuptopresentthe seriousnessofitinordertoappealpeopletoprotecttheenvironment.Selectingfroma varietyofdisasterfilms,Iwanttointroduceamoviecalledthedayaftertomorro...
英语作文“thedayaftertomorrow(后天)”观后感 The film review of “the day after tomorrow”"The Day After Tomorrow" is a disaster movie, but it isn't a disastrous one. It said a story about the world will go into a next Ice Age ,all of these situation are own to the greenhouse effect...
年前陪伴J先生生病期间看的一部片子。先生差两天回家的时候流感感染生病了,高烧咳嗽鼻塞,整夜照顾他,不敢睡着,打发时间无意间看到电影《后天—the day after tomorrow》,美国灾难大片,场面壮观震撼,特技效果也非常给力,这么一部大片最后还是回归了父爱如山的关怀与情怀,却也收获了另外一番感悟: ...
系统标签: 观后感 tomorrow day jack grossing president TheDayAfterTomorrow MyfavouritemovieisTheDayAfterTomorrow.TheDayAfter Tomorrowisa2004Americanscience-fictiondisasterfilmthatdepictsthe catastrophiceffectsofglobalwarminginaseriesofextremeweatherevents thatusherinanewiceage.Itdidwellattheboxoffice,grossing$542,77...
第一篇:The day after tomorrow电影《后天》英文影评 后天The Day After Tomorrow英文影评 It is such a relief to hear the music swell up at the end of a Roland Emmerich movie, its restorative power giving us new hope.Billions of people may have died, but at least the major characters have ...
《the day after tomorrow》观后感 本没有对竞聘抱太多的希望,大多数亲友甚至都不赞成我报名,但得知参竞的资格都没有,失落还是漫上了心头。闲着也是闲着,于是,上网看了一幕电影,《后天》。 人类渡过了第一次冰河期,也一定会渡过这一次冰河期。如果注定有一场灾难,我希望2012年的预言来得更猛烈些。当社会关系、...
The day after tomorrow down for a long time. Unfortunately, a version of the film, the black screen of Baji, from time to time there are a few big shadow, looked tired on, it has not thrown in the tube. These days hard drive space for the growing tension, was determined ...