篇2:The day after tomorrow电影《后天》英文影评 Movie Review of Wedding Banquet The movie Wedding Banquet is a very happy movie.Maybe the theme is all about the culture shock, it really make a lot of fun for us.We all enjoy this movie.Talking to the culture shock, this movie draw us ...
系统标签: 观后感 tomorrow day jack grossing president TheDayAfterTomorrowMyfavouritemovieisTheDayAfterTomorrow.TheDayAfterTomorrowisa2004Americanscience-fictiondisasterfilmthatdepictsthecatastrophiceffectsofglobalwarminginaseriesofextremeweathereventsthatusherinanewiceage.Itdidwellattheboxoffice,grossing$542,771,772...
第一篇:The day after tomorrow 后天观后感 The Day After Tomorrow My favourite movie is The Day After Tomorrow.The Day After T omorrow is a 2004 American science-fiction disaster film that depicts the catastrophic effects of global warming in a series of extreme weather events that usher in a ...
The Day After Tomorrow 《后天》是一部灾难题材的电影,丹尼斯•奎德 (Dennis Quaid)所饰演的杰克·霍尔认为温室效应正在引发地球的大灾难,北极冰川的融化,会让地球回到冰河世纪那样的劫难。他的提醒并没有引起美国当局的重视,一切都已经太晚:飓风、冰雹、洪水、冰山融化、极度严寒,一系列的地球巨变引发了一场不可...
文档标签: The day after tomorrow40后天电影观后感41 系统标签: 观后感 tomorrow 后天 day 电影 movie TheDayAfterTomorrowWiththerapiddevelopmentoftheecomomy,theglobalwarmingisbecomingworseandworseandtodateagreatmanymovieshaveshownuptopresenttheseriousnessofitinordertoappealpeopletoprotecttheenvironment.Selectingfrom...
The Day After Tomorrow 这篇影评可能有剧透 影片看完有种回到高考的感觉,其实无论是高考还是公务员考试,环境保护都是考点之一,《后天》所提及的就是近几年总是被人关注的话题——温室效应,与其他宣传的温室效应导致海平面上升,全球变暖来说,这部灾难片直戳人的内心,直指最严重的后果——新的冰川时代来临!如果要...
第一篇:The day after tomorrow电影《后天》英文影评 后天The Day After Tomorrow英文影评 It is such a relief to hear the music swell up at the end of a Roland Emmerich movie, its restorative power giving us new hope.Billions of people may have died, but at least the major characters have ...
后天The Day After Tomorrow 英文影评It is such a relief to hear the music swell up at the end of a Roland Emmerich movie, itsr
the day after tomorrow观后感 这部电影,真的是让我又惊又喜,感触颇多。 影片里展现的那些灾难场景,简直太震撼了!狂风呼啸,暴雪肆虐,整个城市瞬间被冰雪覆盖。说实话,看的时候我心里直发毛,一直在想,如果这一切真的发生在现实生活中,那可咋办呀! 电影中的主角杰克,为了寻找儿子山姆,那股子坚定和勇敢真的让我...