:small_orange_diamond: publiclyDisclosed - public disclosure watcher who keeps you up to date about the recently disclosed bugs. :small_orange_diamond: Reddit - Hacking - a subreddit dedicated to hacking and hackers. :small_orange_diamond: Packet Storm - information security services, news, files...
The estimation of the sun’s position only requires information about the date (day, month, and year) [16], as will be shown later. 2.2.2. Attitude From the earth’s orbit point of view, the solar flux can be regarded as parallel; nevertheless, the kinematics of the nanosatellite can ...
If the Nextcloud container image should be older than 90 days (~3 months) and thus badly outdated, AIO sends a notification to all Nextcloud users with the title AIO is outdated!. Thus admins should make sure to update the container images at least once every 3 months in order to make ...
Date Range Playtime Display Show graph Filters Your Languages Showing 451 reviews that match the filters above ( Mostly Positive ) Most Helpful Reviews In the past 30 days Blue 553 products in account 19 reviews Recommended 13.2 hrs on record (13.0 hrs at review time) Posted: 1 ...
To avoid any interruptions, Webex customers with the pro pack offer can choose to change the retention policy from indefinite in Control Hub to a value between 7 days to 3600 days. This feature is on an independent release schedule. Checkstatus.webex.com/maintenanceto see when it’s available...
1 2 3 4 Summary,Worklog Only time spent (one hour),3600 With a date and an author,2012-02-10 12:30:10;wseliga;120 With an additional comment,Testing took me 3 days;2012-02-10 12:30:10;wseliga;259200 Multi-select custom fields Your CSV file can contain multiple entries to populate...
var timeDiff = Math.abs(date2.getTime() - date1.getTime()); var diffDays = Math.ceil(timeDiff / (1000 * 3600 * 24)); return diffDays.toString(); } return 0; } findAge("[[incident.createdon]]"); Repeat steps 2 and 3 to create another action call. ...
expires_in int Validity period of an access token, in seconds. refresh_token string Refresh token used to refresh an access token. The default validity period of the refresh token is 180 days. Whether to return the refresh token can be set on the server. The returned refresh token may be...
DateAirportScheduled TimeActual TimeStatus DepartureArrivalDepartureArrivalDepartureArrival UO899HK Express Mon, Dec 16 KIX Kansai International Airport HKG Hong Kong International Airport 17:25 21:00 17:35 --:-- En Route UO899HK Express Sun, Dec 15 KIX Kansai International Airport HKG Hong Kong ...
and also if it is possible with created and resolved date field <!-- @@Formula: issue.get("customfield_19716")==null ? null : (issue.get("customfield_19716").getTime() - issue.get("customfield_19700").getTime()) / 1000 / 3600 / 24 --> days.png filter.png d...