The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me PS4™ & PS5™ Sign In to Rate Global player ratings 3.90Average rating 3.9 stars out of 5 stars from 6491 ratings 6491 ratings 52% 19% 11% 6% 13% Game and Legal Info This product entitles you to download both the digital PS4™...
Come face to face with the most terrifying antagonists from Season One of the Dark Pictures Anthology and feel the horror up-close with the PlayStation® VR2’s innovative capabilities: · DON’T BLINK! - Using Eye Tracking, your enemies are upon you in the blink of an eye. ...
The Dark Pictures Anthology is a series of standalone, cinematic branching horror games where the decisions you make in the game determine the story and the outcome you receive. House of Ashes is the third game in the series. Iraq, 2003. As the conflict draws to a close a Military Unit,...
The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me Bandai Namco Entertainment•Actie en avontuur•Overig Geoptimaliseerd voor Xbox Series X|S Smart Delivery 12 ondersteunde talen AANSCHAFFEN Gratis proefversie +In-app-aankopen beschikbaar. Deze inhoud is vergrendeld ...
The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me 黑相集系列:心中魔 制作:SuperMassive Games 发行:Bandai Namco 时间:2020.11 评价:71/尚可 日复一日,年复一年的流水线工作,终于又包装完成了自己的新作品,可喜可贺的是这部“心中魔”多少让人看到了一点点希望,当然,开门见山的说,这仍然是一部工业垃圾,只是区别...
能标出这种冷门怪,说明 Supermassive 挺下功夫我同时感谢它让我去搜索学习了一堆苏美尔历史。提起苏美尔,必有吉尔伽美什、巴比伦和亚述帝国,而人类历史上第一个帝国阿卡德帝国就夹在它们之间,因此经常在历史盘点中被忽略。这部游戏虽然 cheesy,但好歹让我长了见识。开场迎接玩家的便是阿卡德野史,改编自乌尔第三王朝...
The Dark Pictures Anthology is a series of intense, branching cinematic horror games featuring two multiplayer modes. Each story is standalone and can be played independently. This Bundle gives you access to Man of Medan, Little Hope, House of Ashes, and The Devil in Me. ...
House of Ashesis the third installment of The Dark Pictures Anthology, a series of interactive drama survival horror videogames that each feature their own unique cast, location, and horrific story to tell. It’s developed by Supermassive Games and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment and if ...
《黑相集》是一系列獨立電影式,帶有多分歧故事情節並且可以與朋友一同連線遊玩的恐怖遊戲。 在《黑相集:棉蘭號》中,五位好友啟程前往假日潛水之旅突然急轉直下,發展成某種不祥的災難。...
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man Of Medan € 19,99+ TERUG NAAR BOVEN The Dark Pictures Anthology: Season One € 99,99+ Spellen opgenomenThe Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in MeThe Dark Pictures Anthology: Man Of MedanThe Dark Pictures Anthology: Little HopeThe Dark Pictures Anthology: ...