muttered dark hints of revenge vague implies a lack of clear formulation due to inadequate conception or consideration. a vague sense of obligation enigmatic stresses a puzzling, mystifying quality. enigmatic occult writings cryptic implies a purposely concealed meaning. cryptic hints of hidden tre...
InThe Dark Occult, players will enter the game exploring a seemingly abandoned house that is consumed with demonic activity. Players are sent to the Atkinson House to investigate unusual happenings surrounding the death of the owner. Upon entering the house, players discover that they are unable to...
to leave them in your possession. These treasures are not the fruit of avarice and a sordid interest. I own them by the knowledge of Occult Sciences with which I am familiar and the boon which has been granted to me by The Great Being to penetrate the secrets of Nature. I can still c...
Check our Dark Arts section for a journey to hell and back. No doubt, there be some weird occult shit that persists in our postmodern, rationalist world. From the voodoo to sex magick and, er, Jay-Z, our 26-letter guide to the occult proves that modern mysticism is alive and kicking...
five day fever five dollars enough five faces of darknes five famous picture p five figure system five great battle five heroes walking t five hundred twenty f five kilometers tradi five kingdom system five office buildings five passenger shu ru five poetry five simplifications five sins of imme...
He wanted to write a love story, but just a love story would have been boring, so he put something in their way. See how they’d cope with it. Even if things are hard, it’s never dark and his wife says he’s“ridiculously hopeful”. ...
The Far Side.No, this is not that guy fromThe Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. For all we know, this guy only did it once. (12)TANA Q&A.“Sci-Fi Noir Detective Saga ‘eJunky’ Explores the Risks and Consequences of Relying on Technology – An Interview with Nicholas Tana”at the...
Rick Owens is an American-born, Paris-based designer whose groundbreaking collections have earned him the nickname The Lord of Darkness. Learn more here.
Since 20 years The Black Angel has been a favorite online shop worldwide for gothic clothing, occult fashion and quality accessories.